URGENT Emergency my grandma is in a very very ill condition. she keeps having problems with seizures cramps. breathign heavily heavily and sweats. definately some heart problems. she does not talk much. VERy frail . tod at all.oday is not go if at all very very little speach. kept shaking.. not open her eyes does not move much does not open her hands. rapid heart rate severe sweats bowel probolems. blood prssure problems too high blood sugar.. we dont really have such good medical attention ( really not much at all really) and during the weekend cant even see a doctor. every day its really so alarming. so terrifying . praying she get sbetter. we dotn want to call an ambulance again. and again. we need a miracle! they dotn have in hoem service. not sure waht to do now.. nothing an dint he hospital thei ar eonly two nurses for a whole bunch of rooms. the last twoo times we were at the hospital we could nto speak to anyone really. nto even the doctor at all. right now my grandma really needs prayers still.always always on edge with needing to call an ambulance.awlays. soemthign is really off with her electrolite imbalance. we cannot get any hoem care assistance with this. we are so distraught as she was doing better hooked up to iv. for example she open her eyes then. she was int he hospital for severe dehydration electrolite imbalance bowel digestive problems and no iv for her in home. I dont knwo what to do. her condiiton is so alarming . please pray She needs a miracle. its a very difficult situation. very very on edge as her condtition can be VERY life threatening and we odnt have much support atll. me and my mom have been caregivers to her for the last 5 years. we have no other support. nothing. i pray for inhome iv but nothign happens. Iam so incredibly heartbroken. int he hospital she was even weaker. please pray. we need a miracle and the round the clock care has made weak. pleas epray God helps. thank you forpraying and praying for you as well. I dotn knwo what to do.. i really dont. Please Pleas epray fo rmy grnadma. i dotn want to lose her. please and thanky ou so much for oyur prayers. Please. Thanky ou God bless. prayers to oyu as well.