Father God in Jesus name help George resist the devil and adultery so evil and this other woman must flee. Let him draw close to You Lord and hate sin that destroys him and his wife too.I have forgiven my husband's unfaithfulness and cheating. I love God. I love my husband too. He chose to repent and give up his affairs. Please pray that we will have restoration in the marriage.
If there is ever a time to draw close to God in prayer, it is during affair recovery. The Bible promises that God is close to those who are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). As you carry all your hurts and fears to him, he will comfort and sustain you.
Praying for you both! Pray and soak up God's living word to help the repentance stay and love save the day. George do the right thing and God is helping you!