To all brothers and sisters on this forum, In my life, I haven’t had a prayer answered in a very, very, VERY long time. I’ve had very few answered. Answers to prayers in my life are few and far between.
It really, really hurts and it feels like God has forgotten me and I know I’m getting older! I’m watching my life and years fly by!
It puts me in feelings of great distress!
My earthly dad was not very kind or loving. You can imagine what I’m talking about without me going into horrible details. I’ve tried so hard all my life to have a good relationship with God the Father, for they tell me He wants relationship above all else, but getting prayers answered feels like pulling teeth; and I know ALL AROUND ME lots and lots of people are getting answered prayers. I feel so isolated and left out. I must be different than them.
Then to make matters worse, I read a book by a Christian singer named ### titled “Tested By Fire,” and he was a private pilot and got in a fiery plane crash and it literally burned his face off so it was black and charred and swelled up huge like a basketball, and he went through years of excruciatingly painful skin grafts and in the end he came out a better Christian, but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS!!
I wish I had never even read the book!! It’s totally messed me up!!
I thought God our Father was loving and kind and means us no harm, but my mind is messed up from reading that book and also from reading Foxes book of martyrs, and also about Christians thrown to lions and torn to pieces and eaten alive, and the things they did to Christian’s during the catholic insurrection and other such horrors! These are living nightmare! Even my Bible says that some Christians were sawed in two!!!
Is this the reason I have difficulty getting prayers answered? Or is it because I have a lot of faults that don’t please God? I’ve tried for a loooooong time to be perfect. I know the Bible commands me to “be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
I even tried to be perfect for my earthly dad. He demanded it and he expected it. But I could never ever reach it or please him. He used to mock me because as a little boy I was scared of him. The reason I was scared was because I knew he might reach out and hit me at any minute. My brother was the same way, and his mind is totally messed up to this day.
I don’t know. I only know I’m in distress and I’m reaching out for prayers and answers wherever I can find some. I have GOT to find help! I’m drowning!
I need prayers really, really bad!! Help!! God help me! Jesus in heaven help me! I’m in a world of pain!