Many times Christians say,"This is the only day of salvation.Once God closes the door,in this dispensation,that's it."If they mean during this life is the time, true. Like the Catholics praying for the souls of the dead, that's wrong doctrine, while you're alive is the time to make your decision.BUT, the ones who say after the Rapture, once we're taken out of the world, the Holy Spirit will stop operating and the world will be given over to the devil,uh, not exactly. Because reading further into Revelation, we read,"After these things I saw a great multitude, which no man could number,out of every tribe and tongue and nation,standing before the throne of God and of the Lamb. And I asked, "who are these?"And He said,"These are they who came out of the Great Tribulation,and the have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb."CAME OUT OF the great Tribulation,{compared to the "original Christians who were Raptured,not beheaded,{"Behold! I show you a mystery!We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye."The 144,000 bringing in multitudes,{and this is happening during the Tribulation, and the fact that the 2 witnesses are killed by the Antichrist{and if the 2 witnesses are preaching the Gospel,and at the time of the Antichrist, this shows that the Holy Spirit WILL be operating during the Tribulation, and there will be people saved during the Tribulation.So there's one more chance at salvation.