Beloved of All
This relationship is a long distance one, it has had it's ups and downs, hot and cold I want to request prayer for Andi and I's relationship to be in God's hands fully so we can come together - the right way- with Gods anointing blessings. Alot of the time I will say things or do things when I shouldn't, it's hard for me to "not" say something to her - then I end up regretting what I said because we're not really a couple as of yet .... But "I" believe we are already together. She has been on my mind and heart for a while now but I know that I had to change some things about myself that I knew were issues and I needed to get those right before I approached her that way. So things are coming along pretty good not a lot has changed but I have better since of direction - which helps but I am having doubts from time to time and I find myself mad at her for things that she didn't do but sometimes my imagination exaggerates sometimes- then I start the doubting up again. I truly love this woman and believe that she is the "One" I have changed things in my life because of her and she is the motivation for other projects as well. Andi has indeed lit a fire underneath me for a year now and before that I was kind of numb too feelings of my own and towards other people. Because of her I feel on the inside again with my heart-it has been since 2001 since I have actually lived life with either having a heart or applying it with daily life activities She's educated, good looking, her sign is right before mine in the zodiac. The way she does things are very similar to the way I do things. I am afraid I will mess this up and say the wrong things I am not the best at conversations and I want this woman to be my wife, I prayed to meet this woman prior to meeting her and when I met her I realized I had to change for the better is why I want to be with her to have the relationship with her that I wanted to. After a year I still feel the same way, she reminds me of my mother, I want her even more. Please Help