Disciple of Prayer
The prayer request below is from my first post. I was asked that if my request hasn't been answered yet, would I re-post again so that all you wonderful generous people could continue to pray. As I stated below I am being evicted. My children have started school, (which is seemingly so hard considering that we have not had power in our house for over 2 months now) Now it's really getting down to the wire....We have 11 days before we have to be out! I still have not found another place, still have not found a job and still have NO money to even move! I'm at the point of giving up! But something inside of me isn't letting that happen! Is it my faith in God? Is it my hope that a miracle is coming? I'm not sure! I'm lost! I dont even know where to begin anymore! I am trying so desperatly to maintain my sanity and my belief that "when one door closes...another one opens" I'm trying to find the silver lining in all of this. But most of all I'm trying to figure out why is God making me go thru this? I know that he has a plan for each and everyone of us and that it is in us with path to take. I am by no means saying that my life is terrible and have pity upon myself because it is a wonderful life and I am so blessed every single moment! I have been blessed time and time again, I have 3 loving, incredible children, we all are healthy and happy for the most part, we have food in our bellies and clothes on our backs and we are not facing tragedy or some incurable disease...we are blessed! I am just momentarily in the middle of a tiny crisis. This is what I am trying to do! I am trying to remain positive and look at everything that we do have and be thankful for everything. Right now I just need all the prayers and positive reinforcement that I can get! I need to keep it together. It could be way worse and there are millions of other people fighting a battle worse than I could ever know! I pray for them every night. I pray that they get their miracle, I pray that their bellies are fed and not hungry, I pray that their disease is gone, I pray that God have mercy upon them and give them comfort and love. I feel bad for even complaining about my situation when there are so many other people that need the prayers and love way more than I do. So, I ask all of you who may read this to please take a moment and pray for all those people, pray for all of the children in the world! pray for the hungry, pray for the homeless, pray for the lost, pray for those caught in war zones and terrible situations. For the meek shall inherit the earth. Please pray for them instead of me. Please! Thank you for taking the time to read this. God Bless each and everyone of you! I love you all!
Posted August 13, 2013 - 2:43 PM
i am being evicted from my home along with my 3 kids just so that my landlords daughter has a place to live. i currently am unemployed as a result of a layoff. i have no money and no one to help and no where to go. my kids start school tomorrow and we have to be moved out by aug. 31st. please pray that good things will come our way. please and thank you. god bless
Posted August 13, 2013 - 2:43 PM
i am being evicted from my home along with my 3 kids just so that my landlords daughter has a place to live. i currently am unemployed as a result of a layoff. i have no money and no one to help and no where to go. my kids start school tomorrow and we have to be moved out by aug. 31st. please pray that good things will come our way. please and thank you. god bless