That all demons all witches all hindrances all mouses all unclean spirits will be cast out of my life and thrown into tha lake of fire and killed. Heavenly father pls protect
Block all hindrances of your enemies trying to hinder our progress in you Lord and help guide and direct our steps towards all that’s missing in our lives soon. Amen Is. 54:17
We pray cancel and break all hindrances, delays, and attacks of God’s enemies to be useless and in wanting to get more money out of us for X-rays on this dental work. Cancel any more postponements on this Lord we are all covered by your mighty blood and fire and everyone cooperates in this and...
Lord rebuke all hindrances of your enemies against us our prayers rebuke this evil far away from us their stagnations blocks and all their Sabotages goes back on them in Your mighty Heavenly name amen