Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf, especially for a good job that is the desire of your heart. We are glad that you invited us to stand in agreement with you in prayer.
If your request was answered, and you have found the job that you were seeking, please post a praise report and let us all know. We would love to celebrate with you and give thanks to God for his wonderful gift of provision to you.
If you have yet to secure the job you desire, please do not be disheartened. Our God's timing is always perfect, so we ask you to trust that God has the best plans for your life and is with you with every passing day. His purposes and understanding are always much higher and more perfect than ours can be. His words remind us that the work of his hands are perfect and made without blemish or flaws. "This means God does not plan to put blemishes and imperfections in His plans or actions to man." Please feel free to post a follow-up and let us continue with you in prayer for this particular desire. We trust that Jesus, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, has our brother or sister in His plans, in whatever good works that glorifies God through you in your time of work, till the desire of the heart of this specific prayer comes to past. Please take the time to read a story from God's Word on the beginning of God's faithful plan and timing that leads us to praying, trusting, hoping, knowing, living, planning and delivering as spoken to His people spoken to you: (Exodus 18.12, Psalms 91.16, Galatians 2.12, Galatians 2.15 - 20). In our heavenly Father's plans. Our suffering from no job nor employment makes no need for men to set in their plans the true redemption plan, plan C. Know that without His say on no suffering He gives freedom, at work on any future day it could mean good plan on men, humanely. Under the circumstances or His favour is be exercised to unfoldment therefore blessed is thy obedience trust, power and sure redemption revelation till you are granted a job. Please know that you are not alone in your journey, and we are here to support you in prayer.
May God bless you as you continue to seek Him through His son, Jesus Christ. In the most glorifying precious Holy and Beloved Name we know in Love in pray. Our prayers be received of Our True Jesus we hold firmly trust fully plea our decisions unto him you walk good good cover answer exceeding times reward gift Lord fully wholeness against purpose yield the development filled further heart for you to glorify Jesus Name.
If your request was answered, and you have found the job that you were seeking, please post a praise report and let us all know. We would love to celebrate with you and give thanks to God for his wonderful gift of provision to you.
If you have yet to secure the job you desire, please do not be disheartened. Our God's timing is always perfect, so we ask you to trust that God has the best plans for your life and is with you with every passing day. His purposes and understanding are always much higher and more perfect than ours can be. His words remind us that the work of his hands are perfect and made without blemish or flaws. "This means God does not plan to put blemishes and imperfections in His plans or actions to man." Please feel free to post a follow-up and let us continue with you in prayer for this particular desire. We trust that Jesus, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, has our brother or sister in His plans, in whatever good works that glorifies God through you in your time of work, till the desire of the heart of this specific prayer comes to past. Please take the time to read a story from God's Word on the beginning of God's faithful plan and timing that leads us to praying, trusting, hoping, knowing, living, planning and delivering as spoken to His people spoken to you: (Exodus 18.12, Psalms 91.16, Galatians 2.12, Galatians 2.15 - 20). In our heavenly Father's plans. Our suffering from no job nor employment makes no need for men to set in their plans the true redemption plan, plan C. Know that without His say on no suffering He gives freedom, at work on any future day it could mean good plan on men, humanely. Under the circumstances or His favour is be exercised to unfoldment therefore blessed is thy obedience trust, power and sure redemption revelation till you are granted a job. Please know that you are not alone in your journey, and we are here to support you in prayer.
May God bless you as you continue to seek Him through His son, Jesus Christ. In the most glorifying precious Holy and Beloved Name we know in Love in pray. Our prayers be received of Our True Jesus we hold firmly trust fully plea our decisions unto him you walk good good cover answer exceeding times reward gift Lord fully wholeness against purpose yield the development filled further heart for you to glorify Jesus Name.