The past four years have been so tumultuous in my life. As much as I know I am flawed as a human being, I make mistakes and those mistakes have consequences- sometimes life lasting consequences, I’m struggling to see how a good loving God can sit by and allow certain things especially when I’ve prayed to him to help me. When I’ve been on my knees begging to do things his way, for him to show me a sign of what he wants me to do and only to get unclear signs that leave me wondering if it’s him at all.
I have been toyed with by narcissists and God allowed it to happen. This has literally destroyed my self esteem, my sense of who I am, my ability to function in the world, my ability to do my job confidently, and even had a devastating impact on my little boy and my ability to parent him.
My soul is crushed. If the devil and all his people can play with us like this- where is the God I say loves me? What does he say about it? Can his people be entertainment for demons and he says and does nothing? Waiting for Christian’s to jump through hoops to prove our love to an all knowing, ever present and all powerful God so he can intervene? Why is one prayer never enough?
I’m trying to understand but I’m failing. It seems evil wins all the time.