Prayer Warrior
The devil is on the attack and I'm attacking him right back with prayers proclaiming my marriage will not be destroyed but repaired and restored! My husbands anger and rage is escalating again and his compassion towards me or my feelings is near non existent, I thank you God For intervening and drawing my husband closer first to you and then to me With a loving, compassionate, understanding heart. I rebuke the ploys and pitfalls that Satan has put in place and I thank you that by posting praying and believing in faith this very prayer that his plans just got all messed up !!! My husband has been super sneaky with his phone again and will go into panic mode if I simply ask to use it because mine is in the house just to look up something real quick about gardening or the chickens....simple two second things with him right there his level of paranoia has started to affect me and I am becoming concerned... That he has slipped back into old sins and addictions that ruined what we had in the first place and that we are still trying desperately to overcome. I can't ask or it will cause him to go ballistic, he is not a man you can have any conversation with about anything like this or really anything of any importantance without major repercussions such as he's moving out quoting his job threats like that are sadly all to common! I just ask for prayers to keep my family together and my mind off of him and solely on the Lord! I know I have to give him and all the issues, up to the Lord. I pray that God works on me sheds light on where I am falling short and need to change to be a better wife and gives me the strength to continue in a very hard marriage! I love him there is no doubt about that just so hard not feeling loved back with the same kind of love I always imagine God feeling the very same way about us and yet He loves us still, with such forgiving unrelenting love that we cannot fathom the depth nor height of!!! Crazy world, crazy times and struggles like never before, but Our God is stronger and greater than he who is in the world! Amen and Amen may there be less of me and more of Him in with every deep breath I take and every thought and every action and every word spoken! May Christs word rule over my emotions! Today and everyday in Jesus name Amen
sorry for the random mixture of prayer and story I just type as it comes!
Much love and thanks to all willing to pray for my struggling family!
sorry for the random mixture of prayer and story I just type as it comes!
Much love and thanks to all willing to pray for my struggling family!