I've been waiting for years to step into God's calling and purpose for my life. Please, pray for me that the Lord would reveal what it is He has planned for my life? Even if it is not yet His time to put me in it actively I want to know what it is He wants me to do. I feel lost and without a...
This is like a riptide we're in now. Things are happening so fast, this is exactly how it was foretold, that time will speed up and events be compounded. Incredible! The political situation in this country is so loaded with emotion and people proclaiming that they're ways are the only true ways...
I am asking for prayers that God will give me the courage and strength and faith in him to step out and get going on a house remodel I have been putting off for 10 years. I am so afraid to trust because I have no one to help me and I have never done a remodel. I have saved and saved so I should...