Sowing Seeds Of Kindness
In this world we live in, there is such a hustle and bustle of life that we seem to miss out on the most important things.
We end up so self absorbed and in the end absolutely miserable, not knowing why or how this could have happened. Today I would like to suggest something that could absolutely turn life around for you. Begin by sowing seeds of kindness into the lives of those you meet, to your family, to those you work with, to those who need lifting up. If you do there will be a harvest that will flow back into your life, which will ultimately change the world in which you live.
I had a Aunt whose goal everyday was to make a difference in some ones life. She was a very kind person
and went out of her way to show that kindness. She was the most selfless person that I have ever known, but she was absolutely the happiest person I had ever known as well. My Aunt had found the purpose of life and it sure made a difference to everyone she ever met. In the town that she lived in and the surrounding towns, you could ask anyone if they knew my Aunt B.B. and they would say yes and what a dear precious person she was. Then they would begin to talk about her love and kindness.
A few years back my Aunt B.B. went home to be with the Lord. At her funeral there were people that came from three different counties around her. There were so many folks there, they could not use a church to hold the service. They held service in the cemetery. I remember one of the preachers standing and speaking, he said my Aunt had preached her own funeral because of her love and kindness for people. He said she was wealthy with friends because of her selflessness and looking around at her funeral it was sure evident. She literally lived out this scripture, Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.…She did that very thing. My Aunts favorite phrase in life was always, GOOD LAND OF LOVE, I believe she truly found it.
Want a different life than you have now? Start sowing seeds of kindness into others lives and watch the ripple effect that it will have on them and the reciprocating effect it will have on you.
Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
In this world we live in, there is such a hustle and bustle of life that we seem to miss out on the most important things.
We end up so self absorbed and in the end absolutely miserable, not knowing why or how this could have happened. Today I would like to suggest something that could absolutely turn life around for you. Begin by sowing seeds of kindness into the lives of those you meet, to your family, to those you work with, to those who need lifting up. If you do there will be a harvest that will flow back into your life, which will ultimately change the world in which you live.
I had a Aunt whose goal everyday was to make a difference in some ones life. She was a very kind person
and went out of her way to show that kindness. She was the most selfless person that I have ever known, but she was absolutely the happiest person I had ever known as well. My Aunt had found the purpose of life and it sure made a difference to everyone she ever met. In the town that she lived in and the surrounding towns, you could ask anyone if they knew my Aunt B.B. and they would say yes and what a dear precious person she was. Then they would begin to talk about her love and kindness.
A few years back my Aunt B.B. went home to be with the Lord. At her funeral there were people that came from three different counties around her. There were so many folks there, they could not use a church to hold the service. They held service in the cemetery. I remember one of the preachers standing and speaking, he said my Aunt had preached her own funeral because of her love and kindness for people. He said she was wealthy with friends because of her selflessness and looking around at her funeral it was sure evident. She literally lived out this scripture, Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.…She did that very thing. My Aunts favorite phrase in life was always, GOOD LAND OF LOVE, I believe she truly found it.
Want a different life than you have now? Start sowing seeds of kindness into others lives and watch the ripple effect that it will have on them and the reciprocating effect it will have on you.
Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.