Beloved of All
skign for prayers for my grandma Schnieder Vilmsné ot be heal healed by our Lord Jesus CHrist by His stripes we are healed. pelas epray that by His stripes she is heale dof dementia, malnutrtion, flah eting baceria, deformed spine hernia osteoporosis,kidney heart all her bowels and that the lord help me do my part in caring for her 8 not beign bedresse dor havign othe robstacles prevenitng me form givign her the best car ei can ) Lord pelase do al in your pwer to help me give her the care she needs and that today miraculouls you hela her of small bowel obstuction syndrome, please give her excelelnt digestion, heal her hips pelase heal all deofrmities and wekness and bidn up her would s to oyur prais ena dglroy. havign a VERy hard tme feeidng her due to small bowel obstruction syndorme.Lord askign that oyu someoen help me with al my ftaska dn help my grandma feel better. pelas eheal her brin her heart her spinal comlumn and her hands and feet. dleiver her form lack of oxygen please restore muscle function in her muscle sthrought ou her body pelas help me feed her clena sher changer her diaper her he rbody, clean her hands , giv em your hands when i hndle her, please giv ehe rnew hip bones disolve hip rods and giv e her real hips .pleas ebrathe life into er please touch her where thei ri pain and remove the pian please intercede for me and her and fmaiyl wiht your hly blod . remove all hindrances unbelief that is preventign my grandma to be fully healed. please giv e her a osund mind. give her your salvation give her your healign by your stripes Lord thanky ou by your stripes she is healed. pleas heal her blood heal everythign that is casign her to be sick. pelas heal her of athersclerosis and the cause therof. Please remove calcified form veins arteries and or ther pleaces pelase remove all impurities in her body brain and restore her veins and arteries to perfect health. pelase remove all diabetes nd and kidney problems form her and lal peole in the nam eof the lord Jeu Chirst. please restore her skin .. no more flehs eatign bacteir on her skin scalp pelase Lord. remove all unclena spirits form her blood form her skin from her syes form her pancreas and from her muscles nerves tendons ligamens. pelase desotry the works of the enemy Lord Jeu Chirst. le tno weapon formed agaisn ther prosper. pelas her store everythign in herbody to excelelnt health. please remove all injury deformity and restore her boneys her whoel flesh be healed by OYu stripes. giv eme wisdom on how to care fo rher Great Physicina. pelas ehal and ressurect aynthign that is missing in her body but is needed for exceleltn health. pelase bless her fodo drink and all medication. .pelase in the nam oef the Lord jeu Chirst. please heal her of dementia dn all neurdegenrative diases. pelase rsotre her brian dn restore her life her souls. remove all unclena spirits and pleas emriaculously restore her bones and bowels hips torso muscles all tendoms ligaments 50 trillion times stronger and in proper position so their is no longer adn obstructiont o her bowel or andy blockages in her body every again in the nameo fthe Lord Jeu s Christ. please healher form head to toes. compelte deliverence form all nclean spirits compeltle deliverance of all demons by OYur holy blood protecther and deliver her form all the enmy has doen to her or is trying to do to her.pleae by You Holy blood i ask al of this firmly in thenam of the lord jeus christ. pleas ehal her digestion her ruptured veins and arteries vessels, her eyes her muscle sin her eyes be restores. please strngthen her nerves veins arterie and neurotransmitters and give her excellent blood sugar blood pressure at all times excelelnt digestion exceleltn nerve function muscle function. dleiver her form all dehydration malnurtrtion isses and please bring dtotal freem and dleiver to her form all demonic captivity. aLL FOR OYUR PRAIS EAND gLRO YOF yOUR NAME Lord Jesus Christ. please forgiv emy sins. resotre her life and th elives of my fmaily. set of free form all bondage and slavery to isn and the enemy. set us free form al unclena spriits . thanky ou Lord all praise and glro yis Yours.