Dear Father In Jesus's Name
i have spoken to You from deep with-in my heart
from my spirit being to You Blessed Trinity
Please help me with all of my concerns
that keep weighing soo heavily on my mind & are troubling me
Turn things around miraculously for me please
Provide that long awaited miracle for my housing crisis
i know You have an answer & The Provision for me
i cry out for You to please lead me to the place You
have prepared for me & give me Your full confirmation
i am in Your Perfect Will so i may live in peace at last
Help me please & touch me for my stress is unbearable right now
i know You understand how frightened i feel & all that i am going thru
Please don't let me face this all alone anymore
Send a compassionate caring believer locally to be my spiritual support
who i can have precious friendship & fellowship with in my time of need
Thank-You Father In Jesus's Name
Amen xox
Dear to whom it concerns
Precious greetings to you in the name of Jesus. How are you today? It is an honor to pray for you always in the service of the Almighty God our Creator and Jesus our Lord and Savior. God sits high on his throne in Heaven but he also looks low down on earth too! God sees the intent and the content of our hearts, he knows our thoughts way before we think or speak out. God knows what you are going through and your prayers he has already heard. Sometimes we pray about certain people or regarding certain situations in life. Many times some things we pray earnestly we want from the Lord that is not answered is because it was the best that God would grant in our own favor. Let me give you and answer. My ex husband and I wanted to have a baby I prayed fervently and with all my heart many tears for years to have a baby. God knows all and he sees the beginning and the end. God already knew what my husband was doing behind my back and he knew that my husband would leave me and divorce me to marry one of many women he was committing adultery with. At that time God had not revealed to me what he was doing behind my back. Then one evening the Lord began to expose what my ex husband was doing oh my God! Several times God would reveal to me where he was going and actually showed me one of the woman he was seeing. God revealed to me other things my ex husband was doing which was vile and ungodly. Even though
My ex husband professed to be a Christian and loved Jesus but his heart was far from Jesus and living holy.. When I look back during those years with him praying for a child I can say Father I thank you! For not allowing me to have a child with him. There also has been times when I have prayed for other things that was no granted by Almighty God and as time went on I once again look back and say thank you Jesus glory to God for not answering these prayers that would become a hindrance or problems in my life. So now I seek the Lordβs direction with my whole being and I gladly give up my own will to receive his perfect will for whatever that concernβs my life.
Now on the other hand God knows that we need to have food, clothing and shelter to live. Of course the Lord will provide these needs in your life you need housing the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. Pray that God leads your steps to grant you his favor and open the doors for your housing in the name of Jesus.
Since I did not see a name attached to this prayer all I can say is without your name.
Please know this I have gone through much trials, heartaches, rejections, physical pain and mental stress, I have been rejected by my own family as well as outsiders. I have been lied on upon times after times. The burdens has been heavy even at this current time of my life I am right now heavy burdened I do understand how you feel. What keeps me moving forward and not look at the situations or current problems or attacks facing me is the word of God I stand on and declare even when all hope seems to have vanished. We must trust in the Lord with our whole being and never allow ourselves to wavier, fear or doubt his word. God honors his own words above all his names and his words will never return to him void it accomplishes what he sends his words to and it is yes and amen.
Jesus promised us that he would never leave us nor forsake us. So now because we are human beings we seek other human beings in the Lord that we can have this godly relationship in Jesus and pray for one another etc. Your desire to have a friend and family in Christ is right here! I would love to be a part of your life in the Love of Jesus spiritually I donβt know where you live but there is no distant in prayer
God bless you remember always when praying about a situation even a person ask the Lord to give you discernment and guide your steps in the direction you should go. If you give it to the Lord.. He will never lead you on any path to hurt or harm you.
God bless you love in Jesus