محسن ناجى
Disciple of Prayer
صباح الخير ........... أرجو الصلاة من أجلى عندى مرض مياه بيضاء على كلتا العينين ... وليس لدى أطفال أرجو الصلاة لآجلى أنا وزوجتى لكى يرحمنا الرب فلا نصرف أموالنا على الطب لأننا نحتاج إليها لبناء سكن ... أرجو الصلاة لآجل سيدة تعانى من ورم بالمخ يؤثر على الرؤية .. وليس لديها وعائلتها طاقة مادية أو نفسية لتحمل نفقات العلاج والجراحة
Good morning ........... I hope you pray, I am sick, where there is white water on both eyes ... I have no children, I pray for my prayer. My wife and I, may God have mercy on us, do not spend our money on medicine because we need to build housing. ... I pray for a woman suffering from a tumor in the brain affects the vision .. And does not have family and physical energy or psychological to bear the expenses of treatment and
Good morning ........... I hope you pray, I am sick, where there is white water on both eyes ... I have no children, I pray for my prayer. My wife and I, may God have mercy on us, do not spend our money on medicine because we need to build housing. ... I pray for a woman suffering from a tumor in the brain affects the vision .. And does not have family and physical energy or psychological to bear the expenses of treatment and