Disciple of Prayer
I spent most all of my life assisting my elderly father and mother; I helped them when there was no one else there to help them. My father when he had a stroke and the doctors released him into my mother's care when his medical insurance ran out at the hospital. The very day they said there was nothing more they could do for him as he had bedsores on each side of his hips and heel area on his foot as well on the sides of his lower hip whereas they debrided (cut out the decaying tissue where you could see the hip bone area exposed) and had to be bandaged with betadine iodine solution and bandages and turn side to side on a blue cone type of mattress. I spent most of days and nights turning him side to side while my mother fed him blended cooked food to eat. The doctors gave him about 6 months, but with our care, my mother and myself (as my mother was quite younger than my dad, she was in her early 60's), he lived a year and a half. Later on, I promised to help my mother the best that I could. And with very little money, I did just that. She lived up into her late 90's, in fact, she passed away the very next day after her birthday; she was 99 years old. The medical examiner report says she had a severe case of arteriosclerosis in areas of brain and body and was due to natural causes due to age! As she just passed out when she was rushed to the hospital and never recovered. She left me a will that if by some chance if she were to pass on in this life for all which I have helped her over the years that I would always have a place to live, she would lift the house and property to me. But... I have found out that with her limited social security income that she had been delinquent in paying the property taxes, which after 2 years I had found out!! So a person bought the lien and foreclosed on the property. And is going to toss me off of the only home that I have been in my entire life!! The man who had it told me he just wants to sell the property. Not even rent me the home to live in through the winter months so I will be left homeless with no where to go as well lose everything my mother and father had and my stuff as well. A tragedy that no one should have ever face especially this Christmas time of year now. I am not a young man. Always tried to live a decent Christian life as my mother was a true believer in JESUS CHRIST in everything that she did all of her life. Now her youngest 7th son will have no where to go with no friend or family left to really turn to. So I kindly ask JESUS CHRIST if it be his will since I have did my best as any one person could do; instead of letting me be thrown out into the street and cannot possibly pay what the man's realtor wants for the property which is around $###,### to keep my home and with a small job that I have cannot afford to get an one bedroom apartment in the area where I live (and believe me I have tried several with no success as they don't have any at the moment). I just pray kindly that if my whole purpose in life was to stand by my parents in their needs which they couldn't afford to get what help due to limited income. And since I have no person that cares for any good deeds I have done for them in life then perhaps my life has come to its conclusion. I have no wife nor ever had a child of my own. So what to become of me now cept to pray that the Lord take me into his grace and presence to always do his will in the life eternal. This I pray