Railing against UNFAIRNESS in life,and why God allows it ."free will;", but it's not the will of the person on the receiving end of it.So someones will is always going to be violated. Hence the unfairness."Free will" is designed for the bad guys to get breaks, while. the victims are on the receiving end of it.I'm not an ostrich, I see things.
What do you see? That is what you will always get. You will always feel like the victim. You will always be on the receiving end of someone's insult. Why? Because death and life are in the power of the tongue, and as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
God didn't create you to be a victim or a loser. He's called you to greatness.
Jesus said I have come to give life and life more abundantly. What are you receiving for yourself, Steven? Are you receiving the word of God which is life and health to all your flesh, or are you receiving things people have said to you, about you, or you think they think about you?
people are not the problem it's the demonic influence behind their actions. Someone curse you, bless them. Bless them that curse you, bless and curse not, and see what God does for you on your behalf. Will it be immediate? it could be, but keep doing it. But I'm talking about blessing those who seem to be against you. Bless that customer or client on the line before you talk to them, bless them with peace. Ask the Lord to meet whatever need they have.
Father, thank you for your grace and I ask for more abounding grace for Steven, and I appeal to your mercy for the things in his life that are against him. Bless him with shalom (wholeness soundness, health) and let the joy of your salvation flow in Jesus name. Amen.