Servant of All
Jesus I rebuking the spirits of isolation, cunning, sly, prideful, demeaning, obsession, instigation, destruction, confusion, stubbornness, disrespect, manipulation, jealousy, control, hatred, provoking, chaos, lies, divisiveness, selfishness, witchcraft, and all other spirits affiliated with this young man and his mother. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command them to flee from my daughter and my family forever and never return. Jesus I pray that my daughter will stop imitating some of his behaviors because it is negatively affect her in ever aspect in her life presently. Jesus give my daughter the wisdom and desire to stand firm to follow Your manners and the biblical teachings. Jesus I pray this young man's mother will encourage him to move back home alone to get help. I pray my daughter will move back her home swiftly so she can be free from this toxic relationship. Jesus I pray for Your divine power to block all this young man's mother selfish ungodly advice to my daughter. Jesus block this young man and his mother from poisioning my daughter's thinking towards her family, friends, work, job and all aspect. Jesus I pray for restoration in my daughter's life. I pray You would bless her with a Godly spouse who make her feel worthy, love her unconditionally, a great provider, love and respect my daughter and our family. I pray she will be fill with peace, joy and happiness in every aspect of her life. I pray she will stop ignoring all the red flags in this toxic relationship and for her to see these red flags are signs that she need to get out of this relationship with not regrets. Jesus give my daughter the full desire to want to be the way she was before she met this young man. She was such a Godly inspiration for all. She was such a happy, peaceful, loving, honest, obiedence, caring, kind, unselfish and a beacon of light for everyone around her. Jesus, I pray my daughter to stop idolizing this young man and his family, In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.