Servant of All
Please continue to pray for my daughter to get out of this toxic relationship. Let her see this young man is not her significatnt other. Jesus I pray for a Godly spouse for her someone who would love her unconditionally, a man of God, follow the biblical teachings, respects her and her family, support her and a great provider. The young man she is dating is selfish and love on his terms, his conditions and limitations. Everything always favors his wants. Jesus I don't understand why my daughter feel this love. Over time I see something is off everything revolves around his wants, everything has to be convient to him and everything has to be under his schedule. He expect her to compromise over and over again, He void her feeling he takes her joy, spends her money, he hates and disrespect her families, work and school. He views love as a transation and expects loyalty but in return he disrespect and control her and everything has to be on his terms only. He is a bully. She is always walking on eggshell with him. She is becoming more unsure and trap since she moved in with him. He does not respect her. she is always compromising to keep the peace and she losing sight of she own worth, She is scared to voice her option because she is afraid it would upset him. She would lie to defend him even get herself into trouble for him. I am requesting prayers for myself because I have been disrespected by this young man/his mother. This young man and his mother is the center of my daugter's life instead of God. She has started to project his (R) behaviors unto me, her sister and even her work. My children were raised to follow the biblical teachings, This young man is taking her down a dark way of life. I pray Jesus, that you will bless me and my daughter with more healthy conversation and respectable talks they way it use to be. Today she feel not valued at work. This is a job she has had for over 9 year and was very respected for her work. This young man has his way to make her see the bad in good things and try to convince her no one values you.. Jesus please comfort her heart and let her fell valued by members of her work place. Let my daughter feel the love and appreciation when she comes to see us today. I feel really sad to see her become this way. Please Jesus, I pray for your protection, strength, wisdom, peace and joy for my daughter. Please restore all the brokenness, with love, unity and respect in every aspect in my family this young man has caused. Redirect all negative influences away from my family. Jesus remove anything that is not of God that might might be affilliated with this young man and his mother. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.