The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Hello my Love it’s me again!
This time I’m here praying for me to have a blessed fast from this day forward. May I have a life filled with facts and spiritual practices with prayer! At times may it involve abstaining from food, water, TV, Social Media or Radio. I’m hoping while seeking guidance; I will deepen my relationship with Jesus. May fasting and prayer become regular for me to help me grow closer to the Father, to gain wisdom and clarity, and improve my physical health. I pray for the wisdom of Jesus and the knowledge of God! May I pick specific goals to give myself motivation to strengthen and resolve anything that is difficult for me. I Invite you God: into my fast, I invite you to be with me. May your grace stay upon me: May your grace help me to maintain complete control of my fast. I accept your will be done: I accept whatever you choose to bring out of this fast. May I be faithful and fruitful in prayer, striving for perfection. Never getting discouraged: May I never break my fast or forget to do it! If I do may I recommit to it and continue as best I can. May these fasting days of prayers include: normal fast, partial fast, absolute fast, intermittent fast, corporate fast even moment fasts. Thank you that I have no underlying health conditions! Thank you for helping me choose the right fast. May I walk in spiritual discipline. Abstaining from food, drinks, and other pleasures for a period of time. May I have good intention for seeking guidance and blessing for my life. Please release your supernatural powers. May they become a tool I can use when there is opposition to your will for my life. If Satan causes division, discouragement, defeat, depression, or doubt. I pray for a united prayer with you through fasting with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Who has always been used by God to deal a decisive blow to the enemy! Keep me strong and alert during my fast. Thank you for protecting me from the Evil One, and delivering me from temptation and steering my mind and heart away from all distractions. If I crave food I forgive myself for craving food more than you. Thanks for doing the same; by forgiving me!
May you continue to redirect my hunger to prayers by removing the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, by letting me be free. In Jesus Christ name! I’m also fasting for millions of dollars; to share food with the hungry and open doors for the poor. To give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and shelter; please give to me, so that I won’t have to refuse anyone. May I fast from sunup to sundown! Please continue to remind me to pray and read scripture during my fast. Thank you for always hearing my prayers. May my fasting fuel how often and how sincerely I pray. Praying continually and studying the word during the fast is vital to me. May I be the best I can be. May I be as humble as possible allowing the light of Christ to take over and shine through me. May no sin. No lies. No arguing; come my way! If it does please humble me and remind me to immediately pray! I bless myself by putting oil of kindness on my head and washing my face, from jealous envy and pride! May I be kissed by the loving God! I believe your kisses; can wash away all evil from my eyes! Thank you, for seeing what is done in secret, thank you for rewarding me. Lord IF I find myself struggling with this fast or bound by strongholds; remind me to repeat this prayer each time a bad moment arises. May I repeat it each day of the fast during normal time of prayers. May I continue to seek the Kingdom first; to know your ways; to pursue answers to decisions that are coming into play. May I overcome temptation and dedicate myself. May I stay focused when any struggles or temptations come my way! May I get rest when I need it. May fasting not affect my energy levels. I pray to grow in relationship with God and become more obedient to His will. May I be awake and alert throughout the days. May I believe everything will be fine as I follow the Father's Will. In Jesus name! Amen