Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day! God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my childrens life, my brothers and sisters life alway. God, Thank you. God, I pray for the parts that are being flooded, I pray that the water is balanced and maintained, as to say, it’s not flooding but, the areas get what it needs to water there food, lakes, rivers, please. God, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem alway. God, I am thankful for you in my life. God, Please forgive me of my sins, I can’t help the evil of this world tries to attack me, and you’re standing up for me, because you truly love me. Jesus, I pray for those who don’t know and love you, that someday they will know and love you, and believe you are God! Jesus, You know I’m a soldier in the Lords army, because I love thee, and believe in you alway. Jesus, I pray you protect me and my family, and those who trust and believe in you alway, and at the last day, you raise us up to be in the kingdom of Heavens Paradise. God, I pray for those in this prayer group, we all have struggles, and we call out to you for you to help us, because after knowing your good, and evil trying to attack us, we prefer to be with you, Lord God Jesus Christ in all your ways, to go through with you, because we love you. Yeshua, Thank you, I know your a good and kind man and I know you forgive all for your name sake. Yeshua, In the Bible you ask, why thou sayest I am good, because you sit with God, and we know the dif betweeen good and evil, believe and trust me, your good, and those who truly like and love you, also try to be like you. God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen