Thank you all SO SO much for your prayers! ### is alive and well!! Praise God he saved my kitty, the vet said it was a miracle, I say it was God and Jesus! I’m so thankful for all of you and for teaching me to pray in the name of Jesus Christ as well! I have been reading the Bible every day, praying, praising God and learning how to worship Him now, I have so many questions and am so grateful and give thanks for being led to know Him deeper and getting to learn His word!! The Bible says to pray to the Father in secret (Matthew 6:6). So if I pray in secret why do we pray together in moments like this and in church? Also it says Jesus healed a man of leprosy and told him not to tell anyone (Matthew 8:4) and He heals 2 blind men and says see that no man knoweth (Matthew 9:30). So do I praise God and the miracle He performed on my kitty to everyone who will listen or I keep that secret as well? And is praise different than giving thanks? I learned from a YouTube sermon (I think it’s called?) that worship should be done alone as well. How do I worship God and Jesus? The first time I turned to God was when He got diagnosed and I said I would sing His name and tell everyone I believed and so I did, then I lost touch with that until this experience, I want to tell everyone of the miracle He blessed us with! Is that God’s word or is that the devil trying to manipulate me into doing evil?