Disciple of Prayer
Prayers for our relationship Evelyn and Joseph related to our communication related to our understanding good listener to each other respect to each other and whatever we do we are in both I to this relationship through thick and thin and prayers our relationship is basis on goods timing and pray for Joseph's benefits in military for his got plans for us that we are going to be happy and his waiting for a miracle and for that his pops not included in our relationship his separate and that Joseph promise his mom before she died his going to take care of him so his pops is his reponsibility and pray for his neighborhood for safety and peace and pray that also noisy neighborhood also and keep his business confidential and safe and his phone number too and also mine keep it confidential and safe and also my own business make it confidential and also drivers here or regular drivers here knowing that to pay attention on their own business and also pray that this all men woman and their children. OVER the fence theirs something going on there its drugs and sex in this neighborhood and pray who's ever spying and watching pray on it.And this other tenant here his Indian who you mind praying to get to know how to minding his business in his room and kind of stay away from my room or door of my room kind of pay attention own his own room for rent that his roommate is not me that next to his walls in his room the 21593 and his room is located in the front and pray for him paying attention in the front and pray to close always his door of his room cause his room stinks and pray no way Jose that his not my responsibility and he does rent here just like everyone out here and we do take turn this privileges like kitchen bathroom and let him stay away from me cause his sick and I just wanna be safe from everyone not only here everywhere and it's better to be safe than never and first apartment to considerate of her banging her own apartment she's only thinking about herself and its also affecting this last very dead end apartment cause she's so big and k I ND to also attend to her own business and the rest of yhis neigh ors out here pray they lest pay attention to their all their business whatever their business and pray I sure don't like to know or either me not interested or that's not my concern ior that's not my businesslike who cares and pray for my whole body like AL my bones muscles my upper back vagina not feeling good pray feeling stress and over whelmed and pray for my bedroom there's a no good spirits which doesn't belong an d pray for my safety and protection where I'm inside my own room or taking a bath Or where ever I am outside or whatever errands I be doing.