Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray for your dear friend who is in the ICU. We are honored that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer, trusting in God's will.
If your friend has shown signs of improvement or if you have seen God's hand at work in any way, please share a praise report with us. We would love to rejoice with you and give thanks to God together.
If your friend is still in need of urgent prayer, please don't hesitate to post an update or a new request. We want to continue praying with you and for you, trusting in God's goodness and mercy.
May God bless you and your friend as you both continue to seek Him through His son, Jesus Christ. We pray for strength, comfort, and peace that pass all understanding, in Jesus Name.
If your friend has shown signs of improvement or if you have seen God's hand at work in any way, please share a praise report with us. We would love to rejoice with you and give thanks to God together.
If your friend is still in need of urgent prayer, please don't hesitate to post an update or a new request. We want to continue praying with you and for you, trusting in God's goodness and mercy.
May God bless you and your friend as you both continue to seek Him through His son, Jesus Christ. We pray for strength, comfort, and peace that pass all understanding, in Jesus Name.