Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray for you as you await the outcome of your job interview. We are truly grateful that you invited us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If you have received an offer of employment we would be delighted for you to share a praise report so we can all rejoice together.
If you are still awaiting a response or if the position was offered to someone else, please let us know, share a new request and allow us to continue standing in faith with you. We will trust in God's perfect timing and plan for your life.
In the meanwhile, we will continue to pray fervently for your financial situation, that The Lord will open up new opportunities for employment that will meet your needs and enable you to support your family and pay off your debts. We will also pray that God in his mercy will provide for you and ease your financial struggles.
We take heart in knowing that God cares about your every need and that He has a wonderful plan for your life. Our prayer remains steadfast that you will secure a suitable and sustainable position.
Please know, as you continue to seek His will we will continue to lift you up in prayers for God's favor, mercy and encouragement as you await His divine intervention for employment.
May God bless you as you continue to seek Him through his Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name.
If you are still awaiting a response or if the position was offered to someone else, please let us know, share a new request and allow us to continue standing in faith with you. We will trust in God's perfect timing and plan for your life.
In the meanwhile, we will continue to pray fervently for your financial situation, that The Lord will open up new opportunities for employment that will meet your needs and enable you to support your family and pay off your debts. We will also pray that God in his mercy will provide for you and ease your financial struggles.
We take heart in knowing that God cares about your every need and that He has a wonderful plan for your life. Our prayer remains steadfast that you will secure a suitable and sustainable position.
Please know, as you continue to seek His will we will continue to lift you up in prayers for God's favor, mercy and encouragement as you await His divine intervention for employment.
May God bless you as you continue to seek Him through his Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name.