Humble Prayer Warrior
Prayer Request: Physical healing in my back, neck, and body. Thank you to everyone that has prayed for me in the past, I truly feel God has been merciful and heard your prayers. Some days are better than others. The spiritual warfare has been very difficult for me. I am still struggling with debilitating physical pain. Yesterday I went out with my sister who came to visit from states away, and my physical pain was too much to bear that both my sisters had to help me with everything. As a side note, I will not be going to the chiropractor ever again, but I feel it left me in more pain. My discs feel fractured, the chiro said I have 4 discs that are already turning arthritic & that my body is in really bad shape and my health will only continue to decline. May the Lord rebuke that and may He have the last word! Daily my back is in pain, I needed a spinal tap for my emergency c-section to save my daughter and my life in January. During the spinal, it felt as if the anesthesiologist hit my bone and (I moved and flinched 3 times) and I suspect I damaged myself in the process. I'm only 33 but my body is that of a 60-year-old. I am allergic to painkillers, so I just suffer in pain. I need my health to get better, to take care of my baby and my teenager. But it's getting worse by the day. I refuse to see the doctors because of the severe trauma they inflicted on me before my pregnancy, during, and after. I am only seeking the Lord and His healing. Even if that means that I die in pain (yes, I'm serious). God says in His word Matthew 21:22 (NKJV) "and whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." God is not a God that lies, He is truth, and I stand on this truth. Please pray for my health, that the Lord may hear us, thank you family, Amen.