Beloved of All
We thank you for The USA Government, Military & Law Enforcement-- 1 Tim 2:1-8 -- Help The USA address the economy and further remedies to create American jobs, correct exaggerated healthcare costs, strengthen the military, empower women in the workforce, secure our borders, defend Israel (Ps 122:6), resist anti-semitism, not support Iran (who chants death to America), Economic Policy with China, Russia, S Korea, India, Develop Cancer research and cures, end abortion and especially the wickedness of late term abortion. Forgive our bloodguilt, help us put aside division and racial tension, build US industry, aid the Veterans Administration in serving those wounded while in service and thank you for our fallen heroes, etc, etc...
Father, we thank and honor You for our Government, Military & Law Enforcement. Thank You for safe streets, law & order, for kings & all in authority (1 Tim 2:1-8). We request You guide our Nation. Guide and Protect Our President, his staff and family. Guide our Congress. Supreme Court Justices & appoint and confirm only godly judges and State Representatives throughout the land (and also the lands and nations of those who congregate online โ protect the persecuted church and relieve those in chains for the Testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev 19:10)...
Grant President Trump & his staff unity, protect them and their families with angels as well as granting the same for our Congress, State Govornors, Federal, State, County & City Officials and Public Servants (Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, Emergency teams, postmen, clerks, doctors and hospital workers)...
Overturn Roe vs Wade, forgive the country's wreckless stance on bloodshed of the innocent and stop all ending of life in the womb... Deal with N.Y. In the most merciful way possible, but nevertheless, speak to the country Your thoughts about their usurption of divine law...
Let wisdom and truth reign and forgive and tear down the division, bickering and lack of respect toward Your Choice of our President (No Authority other than what God has established, Rom 13:1-2, Jesus told Pilate the same thing in John 19:11, โyou would have no authority unless had been given to you from above,โ and, โConsequently, the one who resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselvesโ (Rom 13:2) and his elected officials...
Bring wisdom and answers to our border crisis and differences -- may valid points prevail over those that lack sense and may the entire country put aside it's bickering over decisions that have been made and may the solution come as an answer to prayer for which only You may receive glory...
We pray for our cities, the cities in which we live, for in its peace and prosperity is our well being (Jer 29:7). Protect us, forgive us for disrespect, bring repentance, revival, unity & healing to our land. Draw us, โYour people, called by Your Name, to humble ourselves, pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked waysโ (1 Chron 7:14)...
Prevent violence & any occurrences at places of learning, places of peaceful assembly, worship, government, travel or commerce. Let anyone planning any atrocity to mess up and for the right people to notice in advance like Elisha was shown the plans of the king of Aram before they happened and so they were not only prevented, but the entire Aramean army was shown the kindness of Yahweh (2 Kings 6:8-23)...
Be with our missionaries and all missionaries in hostile & closed countries that are obeying "The Great Commission" to "Go into all the world and anounce the Gospel and make disciples from all the nations baptizing them" (Mark 16, Matt 28:19-20). Release those in chains and help us remember to pray for them fervently to be released back to their families, friends, disciples and churches (Acts 5:17-21, Acts 12:5-14). Grant salvations (1st time decisions to those who have never encoubtered Your Son, Jesus Christ or His Holy Spirit) & spiritual renewals to the dry, broken, back-slidden and prodigals. Draw many by Your Spirit this Year and let open-air evangelists, TV evangelists and true door knockers be filled with The Spirit of The Father to draw then back to church fellowship (John 6:44). Give pastors and chaplains spiritual strength from the word, prayer and fasting โ and grant then open doors and boldness to say โthus says The Lordโ and โit is written.โ
Again -- Be with foreign missionaries, protecting and leading them in closed and hostile lands. Help us "remember thise in chains" (Heb 13:3) and release those imprisioned for their testimony and obedience to "The Great Commission" (Matt 28:19-20). Support them powerfully from Zion and help their families, friends, converts and churches pray fervently for their release and send angels to set them free as in Acts 5 and Acts 12, above, and strengthen them the whole time, converting all around them even government officials and prison guards. "This gospel of the Kingdom must first be preached throughout the entire world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end shall come" (Jesus The Lord's True Anointed One, Matt 24:14).
Give us all words of wisdom, knowledge and the fullness of the Holy Spirit & power to share the gospel in word and deed (1 Thes 1:5). Bless your people to humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face and turm from wickedness so You can hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land (2 Chron 7:14)...
Be with our troops and government agents overseas or on various assignments who canโt be with family and friends as well as with those who are on duty in various forms of public service or occupation, protect them and help them feel your presence, power, our prayers and Your peace and Protection, in Jesusโ Name. Thank you for hearing and granting these petitions (1 John 5:14-15), Amen.
Father, we thank and honor You for our Government, Military & Law Enforcement. Thank You for safe streets, law & order, for kings & all in authority (1 Tim 2:1-8). We request You guide our Nation. Guide and Protect Our President, his staff and family. Guide our Congress. Supreme Court Justices & appoint and confirm only godly judges and State Representatives throughout the land (and also the lands and nations of those who congregate online โ protect the persecuted church and relieve those in chains for the Testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev 19:10)...
Grant President Trump & his staff unity, protect them and their families with angels as well as granting the same for our Congress, State Govornors, Federal, State, County & City Officials and Public Servants (Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, Emergency teams, postmen, clerks, doctors and hospital workers)...
Overturn Roe vs Wade, forgive the country's wreckless stance on bloodshed of the innocent and stop all ending of life in the womb... Deal with N.Y. In the most merciful way possible, but nevertheless, speak to the country Your thoughts about their usurption of divine law...
Let wisdom and truth reign and forgive and tear down the division, bickering and lack of respect toward Your Choice of our President (No Authority other than what God has established, Rom 13:1-2, Jesus told Pilate the same thing in John 19:11, โyou would have no authority unless had been given to you from above,โ and, โConsequently, the one who resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselvesโ (Rom 13:2) and his elected officials...
Bring wisdom and answers to our border crisis and differences -- may valid points prevail over those that lack sense and may the entire country put aside it's bickering over decisions that have been made and may the solution come as an answer to prayer for which only You may receive glory...
We pray for our cities, the cities in which we live, for in its peace and prosperity is our well being (Jer 29:7). Protect us, forgive us for disrespect, bring repentance, revival, unity & healing to our land. Draw us, โYour people, called by Your Name, to humble ourselves, pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked waysโ (1 Chron 7:14)...
Prevent violence & any occurrences at places of learning, places of peaceful assembly, worship, government, travel or commerce. Let anyone planning any atrocity to mess up and for the right people to notice in advance like Elisha was shown the plans of the king of Aram before they happened and so they were not only prevented, but the entire Aramean army was shown the kindness of Yahweh (2 Kings 6:8-23)...
Be with our missionaries and all missionaries in hostile & closed countries that are obeying "The Great Commission" to "Go into all the world and anounce the Gospel and make disciples from all the nations baptizing them" (Mark 16, Matt 28:19-20). Release those in chains and help us remember to pray for them fervently to be released back to their families, friends, disciples and churches (Acts 5:17-21, Acts 12:5-14). Grant salvations (1st time decisions to those who have never encoubtered Your Son, Jesus Christ or His Holy Spirit) & spiritual renewals to the dry, broken, back-slidden and prodigals. Draw many by Your Spirit this Year and let open-air evangelists, TV evangelists and true door knockers be filled with The Spirit of The Father to draw then back to church fellowship (John 6:44). Give pastors and chaplains spiritual strength from the word, prayer and fasting โ and grant then open doors and boldness to say โthus says The Lordโ and โit is written.โ
Again -- Be with foreign missionaries, protecting and leading them in closed and hostile lands. Help us "remember thise in chains" (Heb 13:3) and release those imprisioned for their testimony and obedience to "The Great Commission" (Matt 28:19-20). Support them powerfully from Zion and help their families, friends, converts and churches pray fervently for their release and send angels to set them free as in Acts 5 and Acts 12, above, and strengthen them the whole time, converting all around them even government officials and prison guards. "This gospel of the Kingdom must first be preached throughout the entire world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end shall come" (Jesus The Lord's True Anointed One, Matt 24:14).
Give us all words of wisdom, knowledge and the fullness of the Holy Spirit & power to share the gospel in word and deed (1 Thes 1:5). Bless your people to humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face and turm from wickedness so You can hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land (2 Chron 7:14)...
Be with our troops and government agents overseas or on various assignments who canโt be with family and friends as well as with those who are on duty in various forms of public service or occupation, protect them and help them feel your presence, power, our prayers and Your peace and Protection, in Jesusโ Name. Thank you for hearing and granting these petitions (1 John 5:14-15), Amen.