God Don't Let Me Be A Christian In Name Only!
Let Us All Pray: God Thank You for loving me. Thank You for loving me Jesus. God I ask You in Jesus’ name don't let me be a Christian in name only or a Sunday morning going to church, Christian. Let me live my life as an authentic Christian that has been saved, washed, and accepted by You as one of Your children that You are proud to call Your own. So I am asking You God to wash and cleanse me of anything that breaks Your heart. Heal, cleanse, and deliver me in every area of my life that I have given the thief (Satan) access to, or doesn’t please You. God lift the curtain, remove the veil of darkness, take the mask off of everyone (including myself), and expose who they really are to me. Lord place it all under Your light so that I can see clearly. God do not let me be deceived or accept anyone’s actions (including my own) that do not line up to the Word of God. God waken my spirit and my flesh to those who ware the false faces, masks, who are liars, walk in usury, anger, or deception that the enemy of my soul is using to come against me, cause me to walk in error, or that come to seal, kill, and or destroy my relationship with You. God don't let this happen and give me wisdom on how to deal with them or not deal with them. Don't let me knowingly or unknowingly allow the enemy to have a stronghold in my life. God please do the same for the writer of this prayer, everyone I love, care about, and the entire Body of Christ. God open up all our eyes to Your Truth and let us all walk in Your Truth. God let us love what You love and hate what You hate. God let us always seek good and not evil. Thank You God. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
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