But you must do this: Tell the truth to your neighbors. When you make decisions in your cities, be fair and do what is right. Do what brings peace. - Zechariah 8:16 -
Greetings brothers and sisters;
Pray for Peace on earth and pray for all Christians in every nation. We are all part of His family. We are covered by the blood of the Lamb!
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth. We come against all of the unrest and all of the misinformation serving to divide. Democracy and liberties are being challenged throughout the world. Let us stand united. We have faith in Jesus! God is in control and let us hold this fact dearly with in our hearts. Without faith we cannot please God and without good deeds our faith is being hindered.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and Your Truth to prevail. Let Your Salvation message reach every corner of the world.
Father, we sprinkle the blood of Jesus over our proverbial doorway. Let all viruses, destruction, lies, and evil passover us, in the blessed name of our risen Saviour Jesus, I pray. AMEN!
Father I pray that You would protect Taiwan and bring peace to Australia, along with all other nations where democracy is under attack, in the mighty name of our risen Saviour Jesus I pray.