“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work”
John 9:4.
Greetings brothers and sisters, let us keep praying for our nations, for our leaders, and for Peace to saturate us all.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to reach every nation, every head of state, and every person on earth. We come against all of the evil, the manipulative agendas, and all the unrest serving to divide us. Let us stand united with Your purpose. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and Your Truth to prevail and ask that You would protect us from all viruses, destruction, lies, and may all evil passover us. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith.
Forgive us all Father, in the mighty name of our risen Saviour Jesus, we pray. Amen.