Bishop Farhad
Humble Prayer Partner
In Christ, Heavenly Father God Almighty, You are so merciful, wonderful, glorious, victorious, and gracious God of Heaven and Earth. I thank You because Your Holy promises are true forevermore, from ancient times. As it is written, "No one can add to their life or take from it" (Matthew 6:27). You keep Your power with Yourself, and that is why the faithful live by faith in Christ in this materialistic world. I thank You, God, that You always keep Your chosen and elected ones separate and dear, as the apple of Your eye (Deuteronomy 32:10).
No doubt, this materialistic world is full of greed, selfishness, and biases because it is controlled by the evil one (1 John 5:19). Yet, I thank You, Lord God Almighty, that even the evil ones cannot frustrate Your will. I glorify Your Holy Name. There is no doubt that the evil ones create uncertainties for the faithful in every field of life to boost evil powers, as it is written, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Thank you, Lord, for giving us same spirit to overcome.
Lord, it is prophesied that persecution will come to the faithful in this world (Matt 5:10-12, John 15:18-20, 1 Peter 4:12-14). The faithful may face traps, snares, and hindrances due to their faith in Christ because the evil one always tries to make good seem evil and evil seem good for their benefits, and they do not do justice (Isaiah 5:20). I thank You, God, that Your Holy Spirit and mighty angels always protect Your servants and spiritual descendants in spiritual warfare in every field of life.
Glorious and victorious God of Heaven and Earth, I thank You, Lord, because even though the evil may sow bad seeds in good fields, You will remove them at the time of harvest. We believe, You are the ultimate power to do justice, and You have the power to remove tares from the field (Matthew 13:30). Lord, our lives have become so miserable due to evil seeds by working in nations for Peace and sensitive causes to save lives.
Thank you, Lord, We know that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross that was a sign of curse for all humanity to bless all of us (Deuteronomy 21:22-23), and now Your faithful believers, servants, and spiritual sons and daughters who live unbiasedly in Your promises in this materialistic world face all kinds of evil attacks and temptations by holding Blessed Cross sign. Many have lost their beloved ones, and our lives have become signs of misery by carrying Cross in their daily lives.
We thank You, Lord, that You have given us the courage to face all realities of this world. I ask for Your mercy and grace for persecuted faithful families and myself, who have been left alone in this vicious and materialistic world as a sign of miseries with the marks of Christ on our bodies. I ask for Your justice and Your Divine provision to establish a Counselling Centre Shelter to rebuild their broken hopes, as it is written in Your Holy promises, "The one who stands firm to the end will be saved" (Matthew 24:13).
I ask for provision and justice in the mighty name of Jesus Christ in English, Yeshua Masih in Urdu, Yeshua in Greek, and Yahshua in Hebrew. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
No doubt, this materialistic world is full of greed, selfishness, and biases because it is controlled by the evil one (1 John 5:19). Yet, I thank You, Lord God Almighty, that even the evil ones cannot frustrate Your will. I glorify Your Holy Name. There is no doubt that the evil ones create uncertainties for the faithful in every field of life to boost evil powers, as it is written, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Thank you, Lord, for giving us same spirit to overcome.
Lord, it is prophesied that persecution will come to the faithful in this world (Matt 5:10-12, John 15:18-20, 1 Peter 4:12-14). The faithful may face traps, snares, and hindrances due to their faith in Christ because the evil one always tries to make good seem evil and evil seem good for their benefits, and they do not do justice (Isaiah 5:20). I thank You, God, that Your Holy Spirit and mighty angels always protect Your servants and spiritual descendants in spiritual warfare in every field of life.
Glorious and victorious God of Heaven and Earth, I thank You, Lord, because even though the evil may sow bad seeds in good fields, You will remove them at the time of harvest. We believe, You are the ultimate power to do justice, and You have the power to remove tares from the field (Matthew 13:30). Lord, our lives have become so miserable due to evil seeds by working in nations for Peace and sensitive causes to save lives.
Thank you, Lord, We know that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross that was a sign of curse for all humanity to bless all of us (Deuteronomy 21:22-23), and now Your faithful believers, servants, and spiritual sons and daughters who live unbiasedly in Your promises in this materialistic world face all kinds of evil attacks and temptations by holding Blessed Cross sign. Many have lost their beloved ones, and our lives have become signs of misery by carrying Cross in their daily lives.
We thank You, Lord, that You have given us the courage to face all realities of this world. I ask for Your mercy and grace for persecuted faithful families and myself, who have been left alone in this vicious and materialistic world as a sign of miseries with the marks of Christ on our bodies. I ask for Your justice and Your Divine provision to establish a Counselling Centre Shelter to rebuild their broken hopes, as it is written in Your Holy promises, "The one who stands firm to the end will be saved" (Matthew 24:13).
I ask for provision and justice in the mighty name of Jesus Christ in English, Yeshua Masih in Urdu, Yeshua in Greek, and Yahshua in Hebrew. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.