Beloved of All
Lord thank you for improvments inmy halh healign of jaw alignmant yesterday. pelas ehal my of flesh eaitgn bacteria strep diabetes type 1 metabolic acidosis chrinic depression and sadness fear sphobias mentla illness. i wpuld liek to eb free alos of hursutim and insulin reistance. please hal my grandma of dmentia bedriddeness hihg blood sugar high bloso pessure diabetes insipudus small bowle obsturciton syndorme and root cauzse therof forgive me deliver me form severe dissapinment marirage delay pelas rgiv eme a dream coem tue God fearign husband who really dos lov me and wonts to eb wit heme and vic eversa. please be wiht my dad as he travels he is homelss hgiv ehim excellent healht energy stmaina joy hapiness dleiverance form allucnlean spsiirts hal him menatally phmentally physically emotioanlly fee him from fear depession insecurities and demons may he be a man after God's heart confident int he Lord pleas ehal my mom of ausitmds aspeegr sydirme and adhad. pleas ehal my grandmas bowles diarea issues no social woker today . pleas eno unwoanted cisitors aonly those who love an dhelp us. pelas eprovide em with slippers and also hela my teeht and teeht alignment. i fel insecure 35vno marrie dfeel old. please giv eme freedom form feelign liek a loser. pleas eigv em exceleltn wisodm and helaht. Lr di need joy in my life an diaskign yu giv eit to me and my fmialy today and all peopel. pleas heal my mosm back hela all that is needignhelign in hr spinal column adn vertebrae hela hr whole bakc and heal the musclers and tendons ligament sbetter than ever. please forgiv em yidssaopintmen tpleas emak eup for lovst time. plase give me my ownhusband and make me desirabel to hima nd viece versa. pleas ehal B in eevry way giv ehim merr yhear your salvaiton and best income andwork formt he Lord he loves. pleas eblss him and all he does and guard his hear thoguthds and emoitonas,. hela him of aspeger syndorme if he has it. if hs my husband please confrim ye sor no. only your EWIll lord. lor di feel so down . i m sking for joy and osme brithday present. my birthday wa snot logn ago but i did no feel celebrated as usual. its a rela let down can yu make me feel celbrated please.i havent had friend sfor decades and i always hoped someoen does somthign fo my birthda.y its makde me so down. and now ifeel old too. i realla sk you pelase od somehting speial for my birthday that really makes me happy ( for real). i m glad i coudl see my dad but ifeel like i oculd eb me i was sick and i could enjoy it caus emy other relativ enever has enthisuiasm and sort if a aklill joy. im am aksing upliftign peopel adn joy hela htem so they have joy too. please hela them. pleas ebelss my dad inhis ravekls liek enevr befor ebst healht best itme ver. pela ehlp my relative . pleas egiv emy reltiave fiends. i feel drained and sad iówhen im wiht her, i er tried ot honoru he rbut its reall hard. help me Lord. giv em joy not only burdens, i cry daily. pelas eturn ourlives aorund. please giv m a life outside my fmaily. im really sad. please odnt wihtould anyhtong goof rom me.ive been drsse dmy hwoel life. aksign for mercy for my sisn and true joy in my heart. i pray t be free form bondage ot fmaiyl that sucks the life our otf me. i feel draine i would liek soem freedomsome money some freinds and joy in ym life. i feel liek i can never fbe free i feel tortured an dlonely. pleas helpa nd help htose who feel the same, iplease aksoyou giv me ydad finanical opportunitiesbels shim and all he udnrtakes guided onyl by your hly spirit same iwhtmy mother.i woudl liek to have alif eof my own pleas egiv em yparnts firneds their own spouses even accoridngt oxour will. its really hard helping a certian relativ iem so drianed everyhitng i always about them .i feel like imy dyding inside. save me Lord giv me life. pelase and do the amse for lalpeoel. hela us and we shall be healed, may the Lor dbe glirfied please forigv em and may oyur will be don. pelas hela my grandma nd my ptraent. pelas emak eus ahappy. PLEASE PEASE PEAs emake us happy giv eus joy truly. nto just faking itit i dont wan to tfake it anymore.pelas eGod have mercy,,pleas interve and giv eus lif eina bundance godo aopporutinitis joy laughter joy pelas eplapelapleaplepals also help em wihtmy hygiene and eptession pelas help my parents ahela them giv ehtme joy pelas make htis ahappy itme.pelas ewhen pleasedo alliyn our power to forgive our sisn helaus and make us happy and belssed for your names sake please odnt elt me be nenyl for long. pelase sned firends ot my parnets God ly ones sent form God. dleiver B formsmokin and alchahula nd all toxic thign sfirneds and habits.may he serve onyl the Lor diwht lalhis heart and smae wiht me,sdleivr and my parnets an fmiayl. Lor depressina dn dissponment is so storng pelase dleive m form theses htign , help peopel who badly influence me awayofm e,pleas eits oto hard. help belss them.please please please im ahvign a reall hard item wiht a reltive who is soso controlign ihave no joy wiht themim sorry belss them help but dotn let them ruin my joy my nto happy beign controleld. i so tire di want to eb free. have mercy i want be happy tpp pleas eplease Lor dgiv me my own husbadnd my own home and hela me get me out of hti hell and belss those bless my parent shelahtem pelas eoi bveg oyu and my grandma, i feel so lone send help in my lfie help me udertsn that giv em hope please also send help to my dad fincially pyhsiclal motionalyl fee food deivne angels helping him adn only thignk the thughts oyu wan thim to thinks. send angels hoyl angel shelaign helpignhims ell hsi propety for good abmout pleas ebels sout hfamiyl weve been depressed for os logn heav emercy it sbeen so ahrd an dim haivng a hard itme cairng for my granm and mom. pleas ei dotn even leave the hosue for fear of phobia if ther eis anyhtign yo can tdo t help us restore us pelase no moe delay im waitng on you Lord i need oyu otpleas wgetitgn wear ysame thign every send fresh joy in our lives my da dmom and eevryhtign bless my miracl enephew wiht excleltn helaht joy beauty blesse dnephew and bess tier parnets in allt hign sgiv ehtme the finaiciase support . pelas eblss u all and help my siste irn law divine delivery best docotrs cnurse scarer to help and supportiv epopel aorudn her bels sher an dhe rbaby and her fmaiyl. hela my brothe rmirculously let this ba hapiest tie ever of rhte fmaily aksign helaign for Bélas heart valve érlemstzesdeés salvaitona ndhlaign and my fdad oto alvaiotn heaign f his heart valve best best travcles easy t o find buses trians esy ot find telek easy ot take car eof best firends best diivne conneciotn best weahte rfood ernergy joy in his hear tlifke never befope clearly spkd ot love dby our Lord Jeus chirs tsame wiht my moma dn my grandm abrothe rsiste irn law Viliek ehlaign of his brian and my mom too. Lor dhelaign for B best day eevr best joy day pleas ekae it easier to carew for my grandma plea semor eoy mroe miralc ehal her eye sbowl movemnt sno mroew diarrea good bowel movment helaign of my mother brian mro dpanien helaign freedom form all ucnlean psirits for her pelas ebrign diivne intervention he rlfe halign and i pelad the holy blodo f Chirs tupon allpeoel giv eoyu salvaiton and heaign anddlieveranc eof allsickness disease an ducnlena spirits ot allpeoel.pelas ele their be joy again in alllvies pleas eplas eno mroe ocnravirus no mwars no more phocba smno more hopelessnes no mor einsecurities of rm,. pelase joy pelase tdo allin your power to make me and my faily truly happy like truly. im so down abuot my ago Lord. please sne dme my husband a mircle a gift form God osomeoen who loves ame and i can commucniate iwht have joy wiht chirldren wiht a life wiht osmeoen imnot insecure aorudn someoen who bign joy and heaign iny mlfie and vsce versa a turly belssed gift form God most sttractiv eman evr wise an dlovng and affeciotn cofmrotign adn lot sof fun and vice vers ame to him. pleas esend him sonon my one flehs husbadn. pelas make me hapyp somehow.pelase i dotn wan to fake anymore.please tue joy for lalpeoel.blessed joyful life of rlalin thenamoe fthe Lord Jue sChirs thelin gmiracle raise of formt he dead form dry ness dehydraiotn pelase Lord Jue saChirs tofr oyur glor yna dby your power alos a mobile bed or soemmthign so i can tka emy grandma fro outside.i feel so aloen sen dme and angel to help em care forher.i feel so down . Lord send soemoent ot ake care show interes tin me to help em keep goign. help my moma dn dad ot int hat way. pleas ieand brother siste irnlaw. bels smy neice nephew hela my uncle pelas hela and help disadvantgaed poor peol help them please Lor dint henameof the Lor dJeus CHirst name i pra.y PLEAs ealso show us oyur lve kidnness nmercy, your lvogn kindness le tme expeienc eit pelase forgiv em sisn.iw ant to eb happy. please