Beloved of All
lor dim grateful for the othe rday i asked for oyu ot help me and oyu dleivered me form intrusive thoguths. thnak you lord. pelase dlieve rme form intrusiv ehtoughts pelas ehal me of diabetes and heal me form the spriti fo not beign desired or scared baout. dleiver me form hirsutism as well adn all unclena spirits. for oyu ar ethe lord. please dleiver and forgiveme of my sins. pelase open my eyes to you lord and oopen my ears to your voice adn ma yi not misunderstand oyu. giv eme a wis ean dudnerstnaidn heart.pelase dleiver my grandma ofrm demenia giv eher storng deisr eot live and dleive rher form highblood suagr and high blood pressure. please otuch her and heal her fractured spine. help em give her exclelnet caregivign. pelase release her form the devilspoer lor dhave mercy and set her free. may yshe know oyu as lord and savior and may she have merr hear tin oyur presence. may she experienc eoyu presne your holy spirit be in her an don her powerfulyl most powerfulyl on ehr an dlalpeopel. set my mother free form asperger syndorm and my brother as well. may they be led by the hoyl psiirt and mysle foto. may thier mbe no misunderstnaidn about oyur work lord. pleas ehal me of asperger swynodrme when it ocme ot oyu l. may i be able ot clearly discern your voice intenitons oyur heart and your plan be doen in my life. ma yi fall deeply in lvoe wiht ouy lor dthanky ou for beign alwqyys there. help me ot understand scirture truly open my eyes to truth via the holy spirit. help me to understnad giv em faith and a heart filled iwh tudnerstnaidn and od this with th hsuband you have joine dme ot and allpeoel too. pleas egiv eus wisodm eand udnerstnand pleas ehal me of meatbolic acidids and hela my fmaiyl form aldehydration metbaolic acdisois issues. pelas ehlp me obey my parntes in al thign s fo rhtis pelases oyu. please help me to submit to autihirty help me to brign oyu glor ylord help me to pick up my crosss . help me to know oyur will. pelas ehla my bod ylord and giv em hope in you lord. pelas hela my dad heart valve and giv ehis heart plenty of oxygne heal his teeht and dleive rhim form all demons emoitonally dtied ot him. ipray to for allpeoel. please dleiver allpeoel form alldemons phyacal mental spirit emotional every typ eof dmeon possibel releas eus and set us foree form satniac captivits. pelase do alliynour powee to heal lal peoel and save allsouls. forgiv epleas eour sins . ipelad oyu holy blod. help me to have great intimate relaitonship with oyulife you fathe rna dyou lord. iwant a deep storng intimate raltionsip. hlep me to commit my works onto oyu estbalish my thoughts and giv em free form in all areas of my lfie so i may oserve ouy wihtout fear wihtout evil spirit sholdign me bakc. ipray htis fo ralpeoel. pelas egiv em helaign in my body and heal all those and set htos efree form flehs eaitgn bacteria. sent my fmaiyl free form strepteccoucus flehs eaitng bacteira. help my grandma eat and dirnk wihtout pain. help me to get papers at office help em call docotr. pelas eno appoinemtn sojn ... pleas ehal me help me sg to post office and pay lal the necessary bills. please gtiv em excellent blod suagr pbloos pressur edleiveranc eofrm depression lethargy and depresison. pelase hela my sist eirn law and baby nephew in wom may thier be deivne helaign . pelas hela my brothe rin every way. pleas ehal b teethgums boens and brian in every way dleiver himf orm anxiety fer all tormanitng spirit.s pelase dlieve rmy momf orm all fear dleive rher form fea rof change. may she enjoy chang epleas emake it so scertin htign sdont mak eher sick like mesiness or deep voic ehela he rbrian heal her hearign heal her gums teeth mouth touch and hela he rin every weay. se the rbrian free formt he spirit of asperger snyndorem formt he enemy adn may she be who oyu create dhe rto be hela he rof royu glroy. pelase giv ehr oyur salvaitnon. pelas eldiver me form coorna phobia handwhsing fear of dirt germs anger hopelessnes and faitgue. pelas help em clena houfhs giv me wisodm and alo more itme to relax pelas eno el tme be over worke. i feel so stressed lal the itme pleas ehlp. pleas eprotec tmy fmiala dn allpeole form accient deaht and camities. pelas ehla al peoel who ar ienshositcals. may all fdo oyur will lor dhelp us hear oyu rvic eopbeyoyu and do dyour will. help us prepare of royu rocmign and s tu s foree form alleivl. in thename of lORD Jesus Chirst i ask wiht HIs blood. also pleas eodnt elt my relative overowrk me and pleas egive them mro eunderstanding towrds me. giv ehtem a wise and udnerstnaidng heart towrads me. also B too and also free him form alchaula dn smokign addiciton. hela his teeth heal his lfi ean dbrian ekepe him away form all eivla dn temptaitons gie himt he job oyu want and pelas ehelp me giv ehimt he bible. and belss him Lor dbless my fmaila dn hela us help us and may we giv eoyu all the glory. please and thankyou. in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ.