Beloved of All
praise report!: the LORd Jesus has healed my skull and bones last night . Thank you LoRd. All glory goes to you LORD Jesus Christ- you are the healer of our souls and of our entire beings. All glory goes to you everlastign Father! Also I thank Him and praise him for His help today concerning my taxes. thank you for your prayers. Please pray for my homeless dad and his court case coming up in June that the LORd will grant him favor. Please pray for my mind. I have been seeing my ex-boyfriend as a friend but I really am afraid of being out of the LORDs Will. I just need the LORDs help with this friendship. Its getting out of hand.. I do not want to tempt him. PLease pray for me int his matter. I don't know what to do. THanky you. Please its urgent . I dotn know what to do. I just want to be friends.... Please I need prayers.. I just don't know If i should separate myself form seeing him entirely. Please pray for me that the LORd makes it clear to me and P if we should or should not keep seeing one another. I don't have other close friends and so I see him mainly because of his friendship and comfort. But perhaps this is wrong.. I have made it clear I think that i only want to be friends...but i feel it is wrong o perhaps see him... I pray for wisdom. true wisdom form the LORd concerning me and P.. how I should go about my contact with him so that it honors God fully. I ask Jesus for wisdom concenrign me and P and guidance. In Jesus Christ name. Amen.. To God be the glory... Always and forever. Thank you LORD. Thank you to all who have been praying for me. I pray you are all safe and have a sound mind from the LORD .. IN Jesus Christ name. amen