Beloved of All
Praise report: I recieved helaign in my teeth thank you Lord Jesus Christ for healign me and never leavign or forsakign me! I praise YOu for oyur helaign. Please gudie us al to do your will know you andsee you. John 6:40 please give your salvaiton and heaign and dleiverance to all my fmaily relatives adn my hubby form yu Lord. pleas emake it clear who He isis.prepar eus for oen anothe rand if oyu are willign giv eme the sign who He is? pelase help em hekp my mom as oyu have called em too. if yopelas hela ehr brian and hela my grandma sbrian dleive rherfrom demenita and highbloco sugr highbloos pressure. pelase take away type 1 diabetes and diabetes insipidus and the root cause therof take away. please make me whole. please deliver my and my fmaiyl form all blood sugar flehs eating metablic disporders. hela all my realtive my parents my brother ymy uncel of all neurlogivcal condiitons. pelase forgive my sisn dn correct my wrongsΓ©.. do all iny ur power for my fmaily to repent form all sisn and serve only you. deliver us form the love of money worldy lust.s help us fall in lvoe wiht oyu.pelase heal all peoel whoa r ien ambulanc. heal al sick people. dleiver all people form cancer. please give us all a relationship with you Lor.d ipray if oyu have ahubby for me oyu make it clear to him and me when were are to be married at appointed time may you always be numebr oen in our healrts. please only my true husband form God tell him allways i love him whoever he is. pelas eprotect me form ungoldy and strnag ehusband. pelase heal my husband if he need shealign mentally phycially emotionally spiriutally heal his brian neurlogically.dleiver himf orm all unclena spirits drugs achahul smokign if applicable all bondage to satan be pernatyl proken in thename of the Lord Jeus Chris.t May YOu guid eHIm wiht oyu HOly spirit lord and make sure He is always dign oyur Ill. protect himf ormt he devil. protect our marirage form adultery from unclean spirits from temptaitond formthe deivl. may me and my hubby formt eh Lord always be so in love iwht oen another that the thgutht of adultery would be absurd and heartbreakign. please make us fuly commited to servign oyu and your Kingdom Lord and may YOu brign glorified in brigning mean my husband together att he appointed time and mak eus oen flehs. please protect my husband mind heart intenions goals form all evil adn may his hear tbe afte rour Lord Jeus Chirs.t please giv eHIm your salvaiton if H eis nto saved. may he be truly in love wiht Christ. please put it in each other sheart to lvoe everyhtign baout one another pelase Lord make our union better than anyhtign i cna imagine or think up. i hnd over my lov elife to oyu Lord an dput my husband heart adn hands and bod yin tooyur hands and eyes. please guid emy hubyb wiht YOu Holy spirit make He do the work the Lord has calle dhim to do. pleas ebels us wiht a very lovign deivne conection adn romantic connection too.pelase dleiver B form smokign alachahulism a. may the craivngs go overngiht leave and never return for YOur Glory an dby Your power Lord jue sChirs ti pray htis for all who have the same addiciton. please giv eb Merr yheart and may triliny of hoy angels minster to HIm the thign sof Christ our Lord Jesus Christ. thank you Lord. pleas eLor dif yua re willignrestore Lorin's marriage and bign healign to her in every way. please dleiver em dad form homelessnes and keep him warm hydraitonw iht appropriate nutrtion and stabel insuin. please heal the root cause of the osteoporsisi. hela his spinal frcture heal his heart and giv ehim exceleltn weight circulaiton and oxygen to Γl lhis cells. please heal his mind giv ehim helaign in his emotions and hela his teeth bones please giv emy parents logns heathy ife and may they serve the Lord wiht al their hearts. pelase od not allow my parnet sor hubby or myself or my brothe ror anyoen int he world to eb dleived by teh devil. in the name fot eh Lord Jeus Chirst. please take away my coorna phobia. in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ. please tale away szilΓ‘nk phobia. please provide the best clenaing uspplis and wisdom to clean your home Lord. please tehcme how ot sew my won clothes eaisly if oyu are Willign. please also dleiver thehomeles sout of all homelessness. please end wa rin Iseal bless Isreal and dleiver them form war. please end wa rin ukriane peacefully. pelase take away coorna virus off the fac eof the earth. please help me care and clenamy grandma. please deive rm ygrandma form dmentiy. pelase dleiver her form diabetes typ1 and root cause therof dleiverher from narrow veins arteries. give her excelelnt vasodilaiton. dleiver heer form allinfection UTI. please hal ehr rbian and and body. dleive rheer form allvitimin deficiencyies dehydraiton andmalnutriiton. pleas eprovide ofr me a soap that does not destory me please Lord. also please if yu are wilig i would liek a wet dry vaccum. please provide best cothignt o my fmaiyl and best appropraite nutriton to all my fmaily andmy ubby too. please provide the best of the best fro my hubby whevoer He is and for al epoel too. may Lord pleas eprotect al marriages you have ordained an dkeep marirag ebed ho.y please otuch and reverse my Grandme form dmentia int he anem fot he Lord Jeu sChist. please heal me of dehydration . pleas eldiever my whole framily all realtive an dmy hubby formt eh Lord form dehydraiton. and root cause thereof. pelase dleiver my fmaily my hubby and his fmialy form all idols false Gods false belifes and may my hubby and me and my fmaiy serve the ture God and eternal life the Lord Jeus Christ. Lor dhelp us t ohear and obey yu. make obeying YOu easy. pelas eprotect our fmaily our home our neighboruhoodscontutired form alle vil. pleas ehal all my fmil y memebr sin everyway mentallyphyciallyemotionyl pyschologicalylly and my ubby too and his sid eof the fmaily and his friends and all friends of mien as well. hela Bil of chronic fatigue syndorm and heal M in every way. please rbign healign to all the churhc and pleas eprotect alll churhc formpersecution.please help us be a faithful servt witness and servant of your Lord Jeus Chirst both in word and inoru hearts. please destry the works fot he deivl and whetever is preventign us form tdign this. please destroy the workd of the devil that trie to destroy marriages. please resotre B's brothers marriage to HIm wife. Lor dprodive himt he work yu want him to do and for the wife to. please help them and may they both clal upont he Lor.d Lord restore the marriage and dleiver the marriage form all demonic attakc sinthename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. please take away whatver is preventing me and my hubby form bein one flesh in Christ . in thename of the Lord Jesus Chris t i pray. please heal B' steeth and giv ehim exceeltn health and strenght Bless him. Please Lor dbless me adn ym fmaily with happy health ylogn lives and beocme most faihtful servant s to oyu inthe world
)) and alle poel too. amy we all serve oyu faihtfully adn do your WIll. please hela protect strgnthen and restore an dhelp my fbrother an dhis marriage. please protect my neice always. pelas ehal my brother help him. deiver himf orm histmine intolerance deliverhimf orm any hears. otuchhis brian an dhela him if he needshelaign neurologically. please giv ehim the mind of Chirst and and hela all his flesh for oyur praise Glor yand power Lord please comepellte deiver my brother fom histine intoleracne. help him ahve the appropraite food he needs. please giv ehim wisodm adn dleiverhim form dehrdraiotn. hela his teeth and dleier him from stan. dleive rus Lord form satan and please hela us. please bring us out like job but no permant loos pelase. please giv my brothers wife wisodm cocnenring my brother and giv emy brother wisdom occnenring his wife. no weopon formen against them or their marriag eprosper. pleas elor dhela my parents and restoe thei marriag all by the power of your Hly spiit. in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor dheal my mother enurlogically dleiver herform asperger syndorme if you are willign. give em wisdm how ot help my mother and grandma. giv eme clear direction . Lord also dliver my fmaiyl form al emtabloic acidosis. please otuch and resotre all our digestiv emetbaloic provcelcess.pelase give us health ybodies wiht no illness. also pelase hela Bs healrt an dbody and veins and arterie plaque.please giv ehimn myour salvaitona nd also his side of fmaily. protect htim form all evil. pelase give htem succesa merr yheart and plea eprosper my fmaily belss my fmaily wihtthe best blessign sand also my hubby formthe Lord oto. gudi eour comign and goign now anfroevermore.thank yooyu and all praise glroy adn Honor goes to YOu thanky ou for so many Helaign I love you Lord Jesus Christ!!! help us prepare for oyur comign!!!! please protect this prayery wiht oyur Holy blood belss al those prayign for my grandma God bless you all frover who pray fo rmy grandm and fmaily. pleas er provi eht ebst care for my grandma do al iny ru powwer Lord thanky ou for my grandm amy ubby formt he Lor dmy parentds brother yn neice siste irn law uncle grnaduncle. also pelas ehal V neurlocally and in every way Lor your hand be upon him .dlplease hela and restore an dmake his wbody na dbrian dn whole body whole all for your glor yn by your power Lord Jeus Chirs tpleas emriaoculsy hela all who need helaign. and hela al thos ewiht organ fialure.ressurect new sharp teet h new ilmbs. may the gospel of our lord Jeus Chirst be preache devrywhere Lord keep my heart please mbe numebr one alwaqys always and numebr 234546... awaqys in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus cHCirst and sma eiwht all peoel. giv em sttrenght ot do your IWll and same iwht all peoel. in thename fo the Lord Jeus Christ.