
Beloved of All
praie report: i recieved helaign in my jaw bones and teeth. praise to oyu Lord Jesus Chris t our Healer true God and eternal lfie thnak you forever for keepign us forever we are yours thanky ou for purchaisng me and us all with oyur holy blood. May all hewar and beliv eint he gospel of the Lord Jeus Chirst for it is the gospel of immortality. Please contiunet o pray of rmy grandma dn who needs healign form small bowel obstrucitons severe nutrtion dehydration issues defrmonities blood pleassure hear brian bodnes hips and deliver form all evil and healign of deformities. pelase Lor damke the crooked peaces smooth in her life mine and al ym fmailiey life husband formt he Lor'ds life God pelae help me discern your Will help me obey. Lor dpleas eim so deaf help me hear YOu openmy eyes and ears and heart to see you and properly discern YOur voice and lead me Lord like your sheep lead me out of sisn lead into all truth lead me itn he way you want me to gdo help me to forsake all for YOu help me to forsake my htoughts my ways my wanty my desires for OYur i need oyu . pleas ie ray htis for la peopel . pelas ebless al hwo hap brigbn groceries wiht oyur slavaiotn helaign belss them abudnandtly. bless my fmaiymy wiht excelelnt health and regrowwing of teeth organs . and pelase give sight to all who ar eblind ine very wa ymay we see what oyu wan tus to Lor dhear what oyu want us to and dleive rus form all temptations. let me knwo Lord whenim out of your Will and brign back to your Will quickly. givign me stead fast spirit wiht oyu Lor.d pelas eprotec tan dhel my dad body HIs hear His vision his weight His bones his teeth gums renew the spirit of His midn expose the deivls lies ot HIm destroy all evil in my dad life. dleive rhim from all evil Lord and set Him ion a pleain path follwoign OYu Lord and wiht lal His heart. same wiht my moma nd all peopel and my husband form the Lord oto and my grandma and all peopel. pelase Lor ddo all in your power to prtotec tmy fmaily and all peopel ont he roads in vechcles in shospitalds and brign miracles and dlieverance form all . Please giv emy whole fmaiyl YOur Holy spirit pour Out YOur Holy spirit lOrd on all flesh and may we experience your KIndgom OYur presenc eyour voice liek neevr before i ask this int he namoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirs tover my life my parent slife grandm abrother siste irn alw husband form the Lor dand ll people. please regrow limbs. no pautaitons for anyone pelase hela that girl so no amputations brign her out of ocma hela her lord and no evil be done in hosptal or anywhere. pelase help all cargiverparetns guide al parent siwh touy r hoyl siti concenrign their children adn please guid eme with oyu rhOly spirit ocncernignt he tign si need to do Lord and giv em wisdom strenght helaign sound mind power to do what oyu clal me to do and smae with all peopel .pelas eprotect lal peopel form death accidents unbelif anger bitterness unclean spirits. please deliver all peoel form bitterness form anger from hatred adn pelase no strange marriages Lord . please restire marriage soyu want restore dincluign my parents accorign to oyur Will power and your Will. By OYur Holy PSirit . please protect my marriage tto my usband form all evil. Please make us faithful to one and other and always faiht fult o God. Lord please join us accoridng to yOYur Will. le tme knwo WHo He is LOUD and clear pleae and may i only serve Christ for He is my Head always . pleas eprotect my usband form witshccraft evil sickness proteciton form all ungodly habits smoking alchohaul addictions temptations. may He always have steadfast spirit iwht ht eLord. may .please heal Bélas heart please also heal my grandma form all sickness and disease. pelas eheal and medn my dads spinal colum and dleive rhim form all insulin instabel blood suga rprobelms and heart problesm. pelas ehla his heart valve so his healrt valve is heale idn the nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. please giv em dad exceleltn weight may He be able to rule over His spiti always and guard His heart. dleiver him form all emotional disorder sand dmeons. pelase giv ehim a sound mind and hela his heart and lfie in every way for the Glor ynadnd by the powe rofour Lord Jeus chris.t pelas eprotct him form all accident calamities collicsiosn at lal tiems. surorund himw ith Hoy angels when He is drivign and whatevr rHe is doign. giv eHIm pleant of oxygen to all His cells and i pray htis also for allpeopel. Lor dguide our ocmign and goign. My always knwo OYu are presnt. estbilisht he work of our hands and our thoughts. renew the spirit of our minds by the power of oyur Holy spirit . Please giv eme your Holy SPirit--You Lord.. thnak yu Lord for you. help me knwo OYu even moretoday and Your Holy Spirit thanky ou Lord. also pleas eprovide allpeopel food shelter clothign best and appropriate amoutn and type of nutrtion. Pelas ehalall who are sick . pelase dleiver lal poepelf orm type 1 diabetes type 2 diabetes all circualtion disorders. all blood disperder kidney disoedery aldl disoders be healed int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ no oen have nay disoder in their mind brians communicaiton disoder sbe heale dmeotinal disoders be healed. all disoders be heale din all peopel in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst addictioon disoder heavenly Fathr remove every disease and disoder in our lives. let their be order in our heal th orde rin our relaitonship ocmmunicaiton minds bodies order and Godly orde rin all political judcial shcools everyhitng please destory adn remove alldisorder all uncleanliness form our lives. dleive rme form knowing an dunknowinfg disoders in my body. i need oyur to brign em bakc to order make me whoel in Chirst. please dot he same for all poeple. remove all unclena spirits disoders in our bodies minds organs metlic systems digestive system .pelase make my grandma digestiv esystem clean whoel in excelelnt working order. please giv em wisdom on who to use my time and help me do oyur will. pelas eprovide excellent mobile bed for my grandma .please remove alld ementia and the cause therof form my grandma. pelase rmeove all kidney infection from em all strep infection all flehs etign bacteria. pelase remove all strep flehs eaitgn bacteria form me and entire fmaily blood live. pelas eprotec tmy fmainy our posessions our relaitonshsips wihtoen another and other s form all eivl. please use my fmaily to glroyif the name of the Lord Jeus Christ. pelase save all unsave dpeoepl by the blodo of Christ and His power. Lord send trilliogn of Holy angels to minister to me and my fmialy at all tiems. please destroy all idols in my fmailys lif ein my husband from the Lord's life. remov ela ungodly habits fears phobia form alllives. pleas epelas ehal my of al infection flehs eaitng bacteri . giv em motivaiton courage stmina strenght to todo the task oyu want me to do sillignly happily. joyfully. help me Lor dpleas.e. please dleive rme form stubborness and form worry and plaease do the same for all peole.please provide the right person to do the mobiel bed for my grandma wiht best quality yet inexpensive equipment giv ethem wisodma dn motivation led by Holy SPirit doing the bed at laltimes. please giv efmvour to all my fmaily memebrs where oyu seem fit. pelase protect us form the deivl Lord odnt let thedevil to take away anyhitng that belongs to us throgh Chirst i pray htis int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t thnak you Lor dof rlal food our home bless this protperty please and bless my husband formthe Lord abundantl ymake him wisest man merr yheart love me osmcuh he woudl die for me. pleas ehal all of disease hav emerc ylOr dand forgive oru sins . thnak you Lord for never leaivn gor forsakign m. pelase giv em wisdom and the power to do your Will alwasys i pray htis ofr la peoel . pelase giv elal peopel great wisodma nd the power an dwillignness ot do YOUr willa t ll tiem sLord. your Kingodm COme OYur WIll be doeen. on earth as it is in Heaven. ela dme nto into temptaotn. pelase in thenameofthe Lord Jesus Christ.Lor dhav emerc oyn em an dhela me fo all dleiver me of all evil pela sie beg oyu no mro etype 1 diabete sno more flehs eatign bacteri no mroe tonisil kidney urinar iynfesciton no more ehalth probems teeht prablesm forgiv emy sins pleas ehave merc yplease. please also hela my grand. she has been bedridden for year.s Lor di dont feel well help me care for her. hela he rof dmentia small bowel obstrcution syndorme infection .pelas ei beg you pelase hela al my fmial ymmebrs my mom heal her of asperger syndrom heal her brian heal her blood please help su majroly today heal my dads healr theal my brothers heart my moms and grandma .pelase ldiever us all form osteoporsisi and infection and flehs eating bacteria. protect my enitre fmaily blodlien form covid. pelas ehal Vilike please destroy the works fot he deivl in oru lives i byg you ahve merc also i would like a husband of my won that oyu made for me Lor d mad eme for HIm pelase odnt let the fdvil lure him away with a strange woman.. i am my husbands only womand made ofrm HIs rib let him know this and le tme know hwos ewirb i was mafe form. Lro di cant handle this ocnstant dehydration. dleiver dleiver the cause therof.pelase forgiv eme my sins.i beg do all inyour power to forgiv eme by the power of the Lord Jue sChirst for His sake forgive ms sisn ahve merc yon me and destroy whatever it is tha ti destroyign me. pelase Lord Jues CHirst revela ot me who my husband is. if it__? please LOrd destory whatver is ocmign between me and my Husband you have mad eus for each other. dont let me be decieved by any fals eocutnerfait husbandsLord. Also please unite us by the powe rof oyur HOly spirit. Lord Jeus Christ oyu are my Head always. pelase help .. im thirsty. Please destroy the works fo the deivl in my lfi eLord Jeus Chris ti am sorry for my sins. pelase please forgiv em.. Help Lord Jeus Chirst. i beg for oyur help. im srry for my evil sins. i plead your blodo Holy blood over my sins and past. please forgiv em. pelase se tme free form the guilt the guilt the torment the helpll i please Lord Jeus Chirst help me in my ..set me free set my grandma free form dementia blood sugar issues. Lor dhelp my uneblief. Lor dhelp my uneblif GIv em faitht hat oyu still want to giv eme abundan tlife even if i dotn deserve it. pelase please i need your forgivness. set me free form type 1 diabetes. set me free form the sensitivites i feel towrads a certian relative nd the whoel situaiton. se me free liek oyu did mary magdelene form the dvils. Lord oyu purchased me and my fmaily wiht oyu rholy blood thanky we are yours. Please pelase we are your spelas ehlp find you and serve you for oyur are worthy. please destroy the evil that is in my body i dont knwo what hti sis infection btu its been years please take away the devils power over my lfie. pelase i please your HOly blood ovrer my life i pleade your HOly blood over my grandma Lord Jeus Christ i love oyur hOly blood thnak you so much for mayign the price oof oyur lfe ot save me form ym sins. save me form all my sisn and destroy the devils power over me and my fmaiyl and the power.i pelase oyur Holy blood upon all please delivery Lord with the power of YOur blodo dleiver em form alle vil with the powe rof oyu rHoly blood ad n Purge me of al my sins with your HOly blood wash em clean wash em clena Lor dpelase destroy the vil spirits tormenting me pelase and do the same with my grandma and my mom and my dad amy my brother destroy and deliver us form all evil in oru lives. giv em wisdom btu above all else give me ears to hear your voice and giv em faiht and give me fellowship with oyu Lord Jeus Christ. set mefree form all that hinder sme form havign the best relationship i can wiht oyu my Lord and my God have emrcy and also do this for my husbnd form you Lord whoe rib i was made out of and do the same for my grandma mom dad brtoher sister in law and my neice . pelas eprotect my fmaiyl formalle vil please dlestroy all flehs eaitng strep out of our bloodlieen Lor destor ytype 1 diabetses withthe power of oyur HOly spirit dleiver and se tus free. hela our bodies and help umake us do oyur will and destroy the devils holy on yme. dleive rme Lord Jeus Christ formt ehd eivl in every way . and deliver my mom fromt he deivl in every way dleiver my grandma formt he devil compeleltey in every way please Lord Jeus Christ. Deliver my brother formt he devil in every every way comepeltey Lord Jeus Christ. Lord dleiver my dad formt he devil in every way pelase Lord Jesus Christ.Lord i am so regretful for my sisn . please wahsem clean . please wahs em clean wiht oyur Blood. please dleiver emf rom all temptations pelase dleiver me form all evil. pelase cause me to know YOur perfect Will and willignly obey your will at al times i pray this for my husband form the Lord i pray this for my mom my dad my brother sister in law her sid eof the fmaiyl all relatives Vilike. pelase dleiver my fmaily form teh devils hand in every are aof our lives thank yuLord al prais eand Glor yot our redeemer Savior Lord and God!
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Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Healer and True God. We thank You for keeping us forever and for purchasing us with Your holy blood. We ask that You would grant healing to Jesussaves89's grandma who is suffering from small bowel obstructions, severe nutrition and dehydration issues, deformities, and blood pressure and heart and brain issues. We pray that all who hear and believe in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will be granted immortality. We thank You for Your mercy and grace, and we ask these things in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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praie report: i recieved helaign in my jaw bones and teeth. praise to oyu Lord Jesus Chris t our Healer true God and eternal lfie thnak you forever for keepign us forever we are yours thanky ou for purchaisng me and us all with oyur holy blood. May all hewar and beliv eint he gospel of the Lord Jeus Chirst for it is the gospel of immortality. Please contiunet o pray of rmy grandma dn who needs healign form small bowel obstrucitons severe nutrtion dehydration issues defrmonities blood pleassure hear brian bodnes hips and deliver form all evil and healign of deformities. pelase Lor damke the crooked peaces smooth in her life mine and al ym fmailiey life husband formt he Lor'ds life God pelae help me discern your Will help me obey. Lor dpleas eim so deaf help me hear YOu openmy eyes and ears and heart to see you and properly discern YOur voice and lead me Lord like your sheep lead me out of sisn lead into all truth lead me itn he way you want me to gdo help me to forsake all for YOu help me to forsake my htoughts my ways my wanty my desires for OYur i need oyu . pleas ie ray htis for la peopel . pelas ebless al hwo hap brigbn groceries wiht oyur slavaiotn helaign belss them abudnandtly. bless my fmaiymy wiht excelelnt health and regrowwing of teeth organs . and pelase give sight to all who ar eblind ine very wa ymay we see what oyu wan tus to Lor dhear what oyu want us to and dleive rus form all temptations. let me knwo Lord whenim out of your Will and brign back to your Will quickly. givign me stead fast spirit wiht oyu Lor.d pelas eprotec tan dhel my dad body HIs hear His vision his weight His bones his teeth gums renew the spirit of His midn expose the deivls lies ot HIm destroy all evil in my dad life. dleive rhim from all evil Lord and set Him ion a pleain path follwoign OYu Lord and wiht lal His heart. same wiht my moma nd all peopel and my husband form the Lord oto and my grandma and all peopel. pelase Lor ddo all in your power to prtotec tmy fmaily and all peopel ont he roads in vechcles in shospitalds and brign miracles and dlieverance form all . Please giv emy whole fmaiyl YOur Holy spirit pour Out YOur Holy spirit lOrd on all flesh and may we experience your KIndgom OYur presenc eyour voice liek neevr before i ask this int he namoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirs tover my life my parent slife grandm abrother siste irn alw husband form the Lor dand ll people. please regrow limbs. no pautaitons for anyone pelase hela that girl so no amputations brign her out of ocma hela her lord and no evil be done in hosptal or anywhere. pelase help all cargiverparetns guide al parent siwh touy r hoyl siti concenrign their children adn please guid eme with oyu rhOly spirit ocncernignt he tign si need to do Lord and giv em wisdom strenght helaign sound mind power to do what oyu clal me to do and smae with all peopel .pelas eprotect lal peopel form death accidents unbelif anger bitterness unclean spirits. please deliver all peoel form bitterness form anger from hatred adn pelase no strange marriages Lord . please restire marriage soyu want restore dincluign my parents accorign to oyur Will power and your Will. By OYur Holy PSirit . please protect my marriage tto my usband form all evil. Please make us faithful to one and other and always faiht fult o God. Lord please join us accoridng to yOYur Will. le tme knwo WHo He is LOUD and clear pleae and may i only serve Christ for He is my Head always . pleas eprotect my usband form witshccraft evil sickness proteciton form all ungodly habits smoking alchohaul addictions temptations. may He always have steadfast spirit iwht ht eLord. may .please heal Bélas heart please also heal my grandma form all sickness and disease. pelas eheal and medn my dads spinal colum and dleive rhim form all insulin instabel blood suga rprobelms and heart problesm. pelas ehla his heart valve so his healrt valve is heale idn the nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. please giv em dad exceleltn weight may He be able to rule over His spiti always and guard His heart. dleiver him form all emotional disorder sand dmeons. pelase giv ehim a sound mind and hela his heart and lfie in every way for the Glor ynadnd by the powe rofour Lord Jeus chris.t pelas eprotct him form all accident calamities collicsiosn at lal tiems. surorund himw ith Hoy angels when He is drivign and whatevr rHe is doign. giv eHIm pleant of oxygen to all His cells and i pray htis also for allpeopel. Lor dguide our ocmign and goign. My always knwo OYu are presnt. estbilisht he work of our hands and our thoughts. renew the spirit of our minds by the power of oyur Holy spirit . Please giv eme your Holy SPirit--You Lord.. thnak yu Lord for you. help me knwo OYu even moretoday and Your Holy Spirit thanky ou Lord. also pleas eprovide allpeopel food shelter clothign best and appropriate amoutn and type of nutrtion. Pelas ehalall who are sick . pelase dleiver lal poepelf orm type 1 diabetes type 2 diabetes all circualtion disorders. all blood disperder kidney disoedery aldl disoders be healed int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ no oen have nay disoder in their mind brians communicaiton disoder sbe heale dmeotinal disoders be healed. all disoders be heale din all peopel in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst addictioon disoder heavenly Fathr remove every disease and disoder in our lives. let their be order in our heal th orde rin our relaitonship ocmmunicaiton minds bodies order and Godly orde rin all political judcial shcools everyhitng please destory adn remove alldisorder all uncleanliness form our lives. dleive rme form knowing an dunknowinfg disoders in my body. i need oyur to brign em bakc to order make me whoel in Chirst. please dot he same for all poeple. remove all unclena spirits disoders in our bodies minds organs metlic systems digestive system .pelase make my grandma digestiv esystem clean whoel in excelelnt working order. please giv em wisdom on who to use my time and help me do oyur will. pelas eprovide excellent mobile bed for my grandma .please remove alld ementia and the cause therof form my grandma. pelase rmeove all kidney infection from em all strep infection all flehs etign bacteria. pelase remove all strep flehs eaitgn bacteria form me and entire fmaily blood live. pelas eprotec tmy fmainy our posessions our relaitonshsips wihtoen another and other s form all eivl. please use my fmaily to glroyif the name of the Lord Jeus Christ. pelase save all unsave dpeoepl by the blodo of Christ and His power. Lord send trilliogn of Holy angels to minister to me and my fmialy at all tiems. please destroy all idols in my fmailys lif ein my husband from the Lord's life. remov ela ungodly habits fears phobia form alllives. pleas epelas ehal my of al infection flehs eaitng bacteri . giv em motivaiton courage stmina strenght to todo the task oyu want me to do sillignly happily. joyfully. help me Lor dpleas.e. please dleive rme form stubborness and form worry and plaease do the same for all peole.please provide the right person to do the mobiel bed for my grandma wiht best quality yet inexpensive equipment giv ethem wisodma dn motivation led by Holy SPirit doing the bed at laltimes. please giv efmvour to all my fmaily memebrs where oyu seem fit. pelase protect us form the deivl Lord odnt let thedevil to take away anyhitng that belongs to us throgh Chirst i pray htis int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t thnak you Lor dof rlal food our home bless this protperty please and bless my husband formthe Lord abundantl ymake him wisest man merr yheart love me osmcuh he woudl die for me. pleas ehal all of disease hav emerc ylOr dand forgive oru sins . thnak you Lord for never leaivn gor forsakign m. pelase giv em wisdom and the power to do your Will alwasys i pray htis ofr la peoel . pelase giv elal peopel great wisodma nd the power an dwillignness ot do YOUr willa t ll tiem sLord. your Kingodm COme OYur WIll be doeen. on earth as it is in Heaven. ela dme nto into temptaotn. pelase in thenameofthe Lord Jesus Christ.Lor dhav emerc oyn em an dhela me fo all dleiver me of all evil pela sie beg oyu no mro etype 1 diabete sno more flehs eatign bacteri no mroe tonisil kidney urinar iynfesciton no more ehalth probems teeht prablesm forgiv emy sins pleas ehave merc yplease. please also hela my grand. she has been bedridden for year.s Lor di dont feel well help me care for her. hela he rof dmentia small bowel obstrcution syndorme infection .pelas ei beg you pelase hela al my fmial ymmebrs my mom heal her of asperger syndrom heal her brian heal her blood please help su majroly today heal my dads healr theal my brothers heart my moms and grandma .pelase ldiever us all form osteoporsisi and infection and flehs eating bacteria. protect my enitre fmaily blodlien form covid. pelas ehal Vilike please destroy the works fot he deivl in oru lives i byg you ahve merc also i would like a husband of my won that oyu made for me Lor d mad eme for HIm pelase odnt let the fdvil lure him away with a strange woman.. i am my husbands only womand made ofrm HIs rib let him know this and le tme know hwos ewirb i was mafe form. Lro di cant handle this ocnstant dehydration. dleiver dleiver the cause therof.pelase forgiv eme my sins.i beg do all inyour power to forgiv eme by the power of the Lord Jue sChirst for His sake forgive ms sisn ahve merc yon me and destroy whatever it is tha ti destroyign me. pelase Lord Jues CHirst revela ot me who my husband is. if it__? please LOrd destory whatver is ocmign between me and my Husband you have mad eus for each other. dont let me be decieved by any fals eocutnerfait husbandsLord. Also please unite us by the powe rof oyur HOly spirit. Lord Jeus Christ oyu are my Head always. pelase help .. im thirsty. Please destroy the works fo the deivl in my lfi eLord Jeus Chris ti am sorry for my sins. pelase please forgiv em.. Help Lord Jeus Chirst. i beg for oyur help. im srry for my evil sins. i plead your blodo Holy blood over my sins and past. please forgiv em. pelase se tme free form the guilt the guilt the torment the helpll i please Lord Jeus Chirst help me in my ..set me free set my grandma free form dementia blood sugar issues. Lor dhelp my uneblief. Lor dhelp my uneblif GIv em faitht hat oyu still want to giv eme abundan tlife even if i dotn deserve it. pelase please i need your forgivness. set me free form type 1 diabetes. set me free form the sensitivites i feel towrads a certian relative nd the whoel situaiton. se me free liek oyu did mary magdelene form the dvils. Lord oyu purchased me and my fmaily wiht oyu rholy blood thanky we are yours. Please pelase we are your spelas ehlp find you and serve you for oyur are worthy. please destroy the evil that is in my body i dont knwo what hti sis infection btu its been years please take away the devils power over my lfie. pelase i please your HOly blood ovrer my life i pleade your HOly blood over my grandma Lord Jeus Christ i love oyur hOly blood thnak you so much for mayign the price oof oyur lfe ot save me form ym sins. save me form all my sisn and destroy the devils power over me and my fmaiyl and the power.i pelase oyur Holy blood upon all please delivery Lord with the power of YOur blodo dleiver em form alle vil with the powe rof oyu rHoly blood ad n Purge me of al my sins with your HOly blood wash em clean wash em clena Lor dpelase destroy the vil spirits tormenting me pelase and do the same with my grandma and my mom and my dad amy my brother destroy and deliver us form all evil in oru lives. giv em wisdom btu above all else give me ears to hear your voice and giv em faiht and give me fellowship with oyu Lord Jeus Christ. set mefree form all that hinder sme form havign the best relationship i can wiht oyu my Lord and my God have emrcy and also do this for my husbnd form you Lord whoe rib i was made out of and do the same for my grandma mom dad brtoher sister in law and my neice . pelas eprotect my fmaiyl formalle vil please dlestroy all flehs eaitng strep out of our bloodlieen Lor destor ytype 1 diabetses withthe power of oyur HOly spirit dleiver and se tus free. hela our bodies and help umake us do oyur will and destroy the devils holy on yme. dleive rme Lord Jeus Christ formt ehd eivl in every way . and deliver my mom fromt he deivl in every way dleiver my grandma formt he devil compeleltey in every way please Lord Jeus Christ. Deliver my brother formt he devil in every every way comepeltey Lord Jeus Christ. Lord dleiver my dad formt he devil in every way pelase Lord Jesus Christ.Lord i am so regretful for my sisn . please wahsem clean . please wahs em clean wiht oyur Blood. please dleiver emf rom all temptations pelase dleiver me form all evil. pelase cause me to know YOur perfect Will and willignly obey your will at al times i pray this for my husband form the Lord i pray this for my mom my dad my brother sister in law her sid eof the fmaiyl all relatives Vilike. pelase dleiver my fmaily form teh devils hand in every are aof our lives thank yuLord al prais eand Glor yot our redeemer Savior Lord and God!
Pray for this in Jesus name. Answer you name as Jehovah Rapha and Glorify Yourself in all these in Jesus name.
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Praying for you in Jesus.

Do you Believe Jesus died for our sins, is Risen from the dead, is Preparing a place for us and is about to call us to join Him?

Are you watching for Jesus in the Clouds of Glory? Jesus is about to call us to join Him!

We can do everything Jesus did and more! We can speak; sickness leave in Jesus! Be healed by Jesus stripes! I am healed by Jesus stripes! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

You can copy and paste this to pray every day and share...

There is nothing that happens for us that is bad. All things work for our good in Jesus! Look at everything as good!

Sing through out your days Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus, Glory to You Lord Jesus or anything that is on your heart to sing to Jesus! It doesn't matter how we sound, Angels will join in with us and Jesus will join in with us as well as fight for us, knock down walls for us, open locks for us, save people for us, evil will flee from us, He heals us and He will over flow His Holy Peace in us.

Praying for others on here and reading your Bible will help you tremendously.

I wanted to commit suicide once, I even came up with a plan. Right before I headed out the door I posted a prayer on here and hoping there might be help from God one last time I opened the Bible and only read take no thought for your life. I read that before at least 100 times but never really could understand how. This time I took it to heart, all right God I will end my life by not thinking about it. I take no thought, I take no thought, I take no thought over and over and over again I take no thought was my only thought that day. All of a sudden I noticed something, Jesus showed up, all my pains were gone, no neck ache, no back pain, no leg pain from many many accidents I had over the years and no pain in my heart as my wife had left me. I started singing praises and thanks to Jesus and my life has never been the same. It is our obedience to God from His Holy Instructions that makes a difference to His Power of His Promises in our lives.

Be a doer of Jesus friend, it really makes a difference! Thank You Lord Jesus!

Search the Bible for Jesus' Promises friend, do them and claim them in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

Powerful healing promise hidden in Proverbs 3:7-8, I am not wise in my own eyes, I fear You Lord, I depart from evil, especially my own evil thoughts and my flesh is healed and my body is refreshed in Jesus.

Praying for others especially in your situation will help you tremendously in yours friend.

Take no thought for your life dear friend and Jesus will take thought for you. Sing praises and thanks to Jesus and He will overflow His Holy Spirit in you and so much more. He will fight for you and give you the desires of your heart.

Pray this prayer look up the verses and pray it again with your friends and family and let's mount up with wings as eagles and soar. Soar with me.

Let Us Pray: God I ask in Jesus' name, bless me to grow closer to You. I long for a more intimate relationship with You. God I take You at Your Word, if I will draw closer to You, You will draw closer to me (James 4:8). Show me how to draw closer to You. Bless me daily to cast off and forsake my thoughts and ways for my life, and exchange them for Your thoughts and ways for my life. Let me think Your thoughts and dream Your dreams for my life. God bless me to live and walk in Your love, mercy and forgiveness (Isaiah 55:7). I confess, I will take no thought for my life. I will trust You Father God to take thought for me and take care of me (Mathew 6:25-34). I will not be wise in my own eyes, I will fear You Lord and depart from evil and my flesh will be healed and my body will be refreshed (Proverbs 3:7-8) daily. Thank You Jesus for Your Promises! Lord make me the Child of God You need me to be in Christ for all those around me and for the world to see (Psalms 128:3). Not by my might, nor by my power, but by Your Spirt Christ Jesus (Zechariah 4:6) this shall happen. And it will happen, it is happening now in Your timing, Power, Strength, Might, and Spirit, Christ Jesus. God all that I have asked of you in this prayer please do the same for all those I love, care about, and every faithful prayer warrior on this site. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Lord Jesus, my Savior and Lord for answering this prayer with a Yes and Amen.

Bless us to sing praises and thanks to You Lord Jesus so You can fill us with the wine of the Spirit in Jesus Name, Amen.
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May God in Jesus' name answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Thank You Jesus!!!

Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Matthew 6:33
: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Let Us Pray: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless me with everything I stand in need of, and everything You want me to have. Bless me to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Bless me with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal me in every area of my life. God bless me with Your favor, joy, knowledge, wisdom, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called me to do. And bless me to do all You have called me to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory.

God bless me with the knowledge, strength, desire and passion to always delight myself in Lord and seek first the kingdom of God. Bless me to know You, love You, and strengthen me to live my life to honor and please You. God cleansed me of everything in my life that breaks your heart. Let me be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle that I live. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord of ALL of my life. Protect me God from all the plans of the enemy of my soul. God all that I have asked of You, in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer, all those who truly love me, care about me, want Your best for me, and pray Your best for me. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.

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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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