Yesterday a board member asked me what the difference is in Bibles and why there are so many versions. The first complete pulled together Bible was done at the behest of King James I. He gathered scholars that were experts in their fields. 80 of them. He then made sure that everything was verified, translated and checked. At the end the King James 1611 Bible was done. There is a curse to anyone who would add to or take away from the Bible. After this many came to lay their hand to the Bible claiming a cause. We have verified the accuracy of the King James 1611 as well as the Reina Valera 1909, and every Bible listed on the More Correct Bibles list at
Why would people change the Holy Scripture you ask, and why are there so many versions available? Well, Satan has been very busy and he likes to confuse people. A word here and there, then a verse. Soon we will see another new bible come out of Rome. There is already a bible that uses the name allah instead of our Father. The NIV version which has been pushed out world-wide has more than 300 changes as an example. You can see many of those changes here: . What you need to know is these changes are there to deceive you, lead you astray, and ultimately when the Pope releases the next Bible, cause people to turn away from the belief and faith. The Bible teaches us that one day people will run to and fro, searching for the WORD and they will not be able to find it. At Yeshuah comes blogsite there are the real Bibles with .pdf's. You can download and print them for free. Bury one in the wall of your house, one in your yard, one on your phone, one on your computer, etc. So that maybe you will never be without a Bible. Who wrote the NIV bible, you ask? We should also ask who edited it, etc.: (Listen to this Interview!) A confessed lesbian helped translate the NIV “Bible”. Her name was Dr. Virginia Mollenkott and she was an English Professor at the William Patterson University of New Jersey at the time of this interview. She is the author of a host of books and believed she had a strong influence on the translation of that particular translation. The NIV changed the term “sodomy” to a new term “temple prostitute”. She certainly believed that this softening was a good thing and took some credit in helping to accomplish that goal. There is no doubt that Dr. Mollenkott was well known for her far-left liberalism and the facts of her lifestyle. A little review of her books and personal background show that direction. Her view of almost every great truth of Scripture is left of center.
Dr Mollenkott had long spoke of a de-absolutized Bible. It is very clear in the thinking of some of those that gave us the NIV translation that an absolute text was not there goal. In fact this translation is not a translation but a transliteration. I believe the proper term for this text is paraphrase. When you study the changes and deletions you quickly see that it is an “Apostate” Bible that is leading the church away from truth. Look at the warning words of our Lord Jesus Christ to all of us. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)
For me and my husband we only use Bibles we have checked and proven to the original scrolls, and we have even found Concordances to be wrong sometimes. You can find this list at: . Between us we read, write, speak and listen to more than 8 languages. Including Hebrew (and Ancient Hebrew), and Greek. What most people do not understand when they have translated the Bible: Each Word has a meaning in the original language, plus each letter of the word has a meaning. All of these must be correctly added up to achieve the original intent. So, when you go to scripture, you should be able to search it and verify it instead of blindly accepting things written away from the original intent. We have found the English, King James Bible 1611 to have minor flaws in spelling, or small things. I have no trouble reading and understanding the English in the Bible. It is a small thing for me the the v's show as u's because of the script. It is true all ORIGINAL scripture is divinely inspired. You then should beware that which your heart, eyes, souls, and ears do ingest.
Why would people change the Holy Scripture you ask, and why are there so many versions available? Well, Satan has been very busy and he likes to confuse people. A word here and there, then a verse. Soon we will see another new bible come out of Rome. There is already a bible that uses the name allah instead of our Father. The NIV version which has been pushed out world-wide has more than 300 changes as an example. You can see many of those changes here: . What you need to know is these changes are there to deceive you, lead you astray, and ultimately when the Pope releases the next Bible, cause people to turn away from the belief and faith. The Bible teaches us that one day people will run to and fro, searching for the WORD and they will not be able to find it. At Yeshuah comes blogsite there are the real Bibles with .pdf's. You can download and print them for free. Bury one in the wall of your house, one in your yard, one on your phone, one on your computer, etc. So that maybe you will never be without a Bible. Who wrote the NIV bible, you ask? We should also ask who edited it, etc.: (Listen to this Interview!) A confessed lesbian helped translate the NIV “Bible”. Her name was Dr. Virginia Mollenkott and she was an English Professor at the William Patterson University of New Jersey at the time of this interview. She is the author of a host of books and believed she had a strong influence on the translation of that particular translation. The NIV changed the term “sodomy” to a new term “temple prostitute”. She certainly believed that this softening was a good thing and took some credit in helping to accomplish that goal. There is no doubt that Dr. Mollenkott was well known for her far-left liberalism and the facts of her lifestyle. A little review of her books and personal background show that direction. Her view of almost every great truth of Scripture is left of center.
Dr Mollenkott had long spoke of a de-absolutized Bible. It is very clear in the thinking of some of those that gave us the NIV translation that an absolute text was not there goal. In fact this translation is not a translation but a transliteration. I believe the proper term for this text is paraphrase. When you study the changes and deletions you quickly see that it is an “Apostate” Bible that is leading the church away from truth. Look at the warning words of our Lord Jesus Christ to all of us. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)
For me and my husband we only use Bibles we have checked and proven to the original scrolls, and we have even found Concordances to be wrong sometimes. You can find this list at: . Between us we read, write, speak and listen to more than 8 languages. Including Hebrew (and Ancient Hebrew), and Greek. What most people do not understand when they have translated the Bible: Each Word has a meaning in the original language, plus each letter of the word has a meaning. All of these must be correctly added up to achieve the original intent. So, when you go to scripture, you should be able to search it and verify it instead of blindly accepting things written away from the original intent. We have found the English, King James Bible 1611 to have minor flaws in spelling, or small things. I have no trouble reading and understanding the English in the Bible. It is a small thing for me the the v's show as u's because of the script. It is true all ORIGINAL scripture is divinely inspired. You then should beware that which your heart, eyes, souls, and ears do ingest.