Disciple of Prayer
I recently posted not too long ago about how I told my cousin a lie. If you got to see it or get to you’ll know what I’m talking about. Everything has been so bad. Nothing has gotten better. My boyfriend can see his kids but they aren’t allowed to sleep over, and the days they are there I’m not there due to claims made against me as a person. He had them today but had to drop them off by a certain time and couldn’t be late. When he did she yelled and made a scene. We also argued this morning. A little about me is I have a bad habit of lying between him and I. It’s unfortunate because I lie about the same thing over and over again and it’s so small that someone would probably tell me why lie about something like that it’s not a big deal. I also have a bad attitude problem. I told my cousin those things because I was upset, but that’s not an excuse to do what I did and bluntly lie on his name. I turned his life upside down in less than 24 hours and now he faces family court and the trouble of seeing his kids regularly like before. I let my emotions run me. I need a prayer that it’s gonna be okay. That I will be better. I will treat him better and learn to have more emotional intelligence because I love him and I would do anything for him and I’m so sad and sorry that I hurt him and his kids and took them away from each other. And I prayer that he will gets kids back, and family court be okay. And that his other stuff he’s dealing with will be okay. I’ve been a horrible girlfriend I want to be better. I want him to know much I love him. I want to not let my anger or emotions get the best of.