Instead of turning to our Creator in fasting, repentance, tears and travail like all the prophets of the Holy Bible advise us to do when we have angered El-Elyon the Most High and instead of following the 10 Commandments given to the Israelites by Moses which still stand including the Saturday Sabbath this evil pope has his own version. The Bible warns clearly especially in revelations of a one world religion that will unite all the satanic religions of many names, regions and times and the amalgamation of them in New Age practices against our real Creator and His true saints. Not content with already changing the Sabbath commanded in the 10 Commandments from Saturday to Sunday, the apostate Catholic church under this latest pope now wants a new 10 commandments and to repent to the creation. While when we sin against someone we should apologise ask forgiveness and make amends; we must always remember that every sin we do the greatest offence is to our Creator and it is to Him that we must make the greatest repentance and beg forgiveness like King David wrote in Psalm 51 when he said - Against you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight. The creation itself cries out for the arising of the sons of Yah and she does not want to be worshipped . Psalms says sun and moon stars etc worship Him Yah who created us. Like the song says if the stars were made to worship so will I. Here are the links to the articles. Sling and Stone channel includes links to his full video on this subject which I have not had time to watch yet but which I'm sure will be worth watching. Please any Christians that are not doing so start keeping the true Sabbath Friday sundown to Saturday sundown like Yashaya/Jesus and the original disciples did. It has been a great blessing to me as well as keeping His original feasts and holy days and forgoing man made demon inspired pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter. It is a big offence to Him - how would you like it if you gave your children perfectly good holidays that all point one way or another to our Messiah and instead of following in His perfect ways we go our own stubborn way and make up our own holidays that are all based on pagan holidays and gods. It's not on is it when you think about it. Also Jesus is a pagan name you can research His true names easily Yashaya or Yahshua or even Yeshua and Ahayah Yuhuah or Yah for the father, there are many He has names we don;t just call Him God please research if you have internet and spare time there is no excuse. There are plenty of better channels on youtube that can help though I think we should all be making videos especially of our testimony as scripture says - and they overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death. Shalom and thanks for watching . By the way I am in no way hating on regular Catholics, I pray for them everyday especially the ones in countries like Nigeria, Syria and Iraq where there are persecuted Christians who I pray for through the charity Open Doors prayer diary and website. Although I did not believe until Yashaya revealed Himself to me and got me of heroin supernaturally I did go to catholic church a couple of times when I was young my grandmother was a Catholic as we were Irish most Irish are Catholics. If you knew what when on behind the scenes you would be horrified it is bad enough what we can see. The truth is being revealed now we are near the End.