Beloved of All
I am pray that God will answer my prayers and greetings serenity and peace and be good and gracious to me and not let any of those evil nightmare dreams I've been having come true and let the good and good versions come true and let me have everything that I want and we're wanting this life and ask God to please do not be dark hearted with me or be mean or anything like in the dreams pray that God will give me the big property acres of land I want with one and give me my friends and everything I want with my friends and give me back on my good good versions of dreams I have since August 25th of 2024 and make and let me and my friends / cousins live together in peace and Harmony forever and ever in that property and have everything and not impossible and let me and my friends trust and understand and realize good things about each other and understand each other in a good way and being peace and happiness and and love and all and trust each other and not go against each other on by making a face distancing or make me comments or any other things like in my nightmares and I've been having for the last 6 to 12 months pray that everything goes well and that I get each and everyone friend / cousin. God want it with one and let good things happen and good moments happening make good memories and laugh with each other and all that's God to answer all my prayers and to give me everything I want and would want. And to give me what I need I just got to stop being so harsh on me and please be nice to me ask God to please get the harsh dark evil clouds away for me and out of my dreams and all ask God to get rid of them ask God to end them to delete them and destroy them and demolish them get rid of those dark clouds lord Jesus please and ask the Lord to update and upgrade my ancestry and put more detail and give me more memories and thoughts of how and what people are related and stuff and get rid of all the nightmares I have out ###. And family like pray that all the nightmares about her and family will end but I've been having a lot of class over me for the last four five years but this past year out more hatred cloud been upon me and in my dreams pray that God will get rid of all the dark clouds end them today and ask God to get rid of my depression I worry my fears and all the things like that and ask God to update and upgrade all my Facebook pictures and accounts that got in hacked and scam ask him to bring me back on my accounts and give them back and let me do I want to do on them ask God to get my friends back their accounts like everything give us back all accounts and that means my brothers and all my family too and ask God to clean my heart clean my soul just cleanse me inside and out ask God to free my spirit from darkness as God to get anger out of me and my family to get negativity out of me and my family in our life to get negativity and darkness out of our lives and our thoughts and minds and stuff and about each other and all ask God to forgive me and my family and friends and all everybody else for our sins wrongdoings wrong thinking and mistakes and anything else that displeases him ask God to heal and redeem me and my family reunite in unite me and all my list of friends and my family and all back in unity bring us together connect us together to help us know how our family and find out how we are feeling and and how we're connected and be good in generous to each other and a calm with each other and show love and compassion and hope and all because that's all I want. Is my family and I want quit falling apart pray to God that it will come together and stop falling apart help Grandma my Grandma ### and Mom get along in apologize if you don't and realize that their mom and daughter and that their family and stuff help them get along with other family members and and stop there bad habits and stuff help them to change and forgive and forget and help my dad to change his race help him to forget and forgive and all bring my family back together God please connect us make us one and ask God to heal and redeem me and my family and friends ask God to help me lose 50 to 150 pounds of weight on my body ask God to relieve me and my family from all struggles and evil in troubles and trials and all to set us all free ask God to put everything in the property and in the land and stuff that I want you put one and that my friends / cousins and family that I want to be close to want and would want and make make it satisfy and ask God to come into our hearts souls minds and strength 

and be our Lord and savior in our forever God forever and ever not one true God forever and ever and in our lives and pray to God that me and my friends will do things for within about him each and every day too and and within weeks and stuff like us do things for wit and about him too ask God to bring peace and understanding between me and my family and love I rebuke you Satan I reject you Satan I resist you devil pray to cancel out and bind up on you Lord of hell lord of the underworld Satan devil. Get of of mine and my friends and my family's minds and hearts and all get out of us get out of our lives be gone devil and your imps too leave at once leave now and forever and never return evil one be gone and stay out of mine and anyone's dreams forever and ever leave and be gone out of our dreams you are so unwanted devil Lucifer we want you father God in Jesus name amen