Please Pray this cousin/sister-in-law who broke up my brothers first marriage and has been mean to me and my Mom over the yrs. the family especially the men will realize it was her lies that made me look bad. I am a nicer person than I am portrayed. Pray the family especially the men wont be convinced that my Mom isent nice to her daughter-in-laws. The Ex one comforted my Mom when we visited my sick brother in the hospital. Pray my former sister-in-law who is a Nurse will look after my brother instead of his present wife, after his major surgery on his kidneys, his wife now has him locked up practically in the basement. Pray my brother will see the truth about her, and break free from her and go back to his Ex Wife. It is time the family quit giving the present wife so many excuses. They wouldn't for me or my Mom. Pray they quit seeing negative qualities in us instead of our good qualities. We Do Not need their pity, like my brothers wife craves and gets, we want their love & respect. I am happy my brothers Ex wife is being so sweet to us and my brother. Pray it will continue. Pray my brothers present wife will go to another man, as that is her style and she gets away with everything. I would be talked about badly, if I did the things she does. No one would forgive me except my mom and daughter and dad would. Pray for love and kindness in my family. I was once told by a man I had met for a few moments, not to trust my brothers present wife, and I never told anyone but my Mom, what this man who was the son of a woman who owned a bed and breakfast and my brothers wife picked me up, she must had talked badly about me behind my back, as he said she the was worst than his first wife and said she didn't love my brother. Pray my Nephews see their dads wife/cousin for who she really is she is not so nice. Instead of blaming me and my Mom, they should blame her. Amen