Tiffy Taffy
Humble Servant of All
I wish I was happy again like when I was younger it seems like I am more happy in my dreams than I am in real life. I just wish my dreams was like my life. I am stressed because I can't find a job and my family is putting pressure on me. And I am stressed out because my family is fighting being me or someone else and my mom and I used to fight all the time when she was alive it brings back stressful memories when other family members fight. And I am stressed out because I am having stressful thoughts about people bothering me and won't leave me alone because I used to have this family member keeps bothering me and won't leave me alone. And I am stressed out because people exclude me all the time I am alone and lonely all the time. And I gets stressed and everything bad keeps happening than I have no control over it and people are confronting me about it and I don't have no idea what going out and it reminds me of living with my mom and brother. And when I get my own place the landlord complain about what I am doing and me making noise. My former landlord complain to my mom about we have no idea is what is going on I rather be homeless but I don't want to be very dangerous people out there killers and rapists. Please pray that God changes my situation and everyone else and I pray that we all get along. Praying that the jobless get jobs and a nice home and I pray that the homeless gets homes. I pray that if there is a problem we talk about it instead of arguing that's what my mom used to do argue instead of talking about it. I just wish we all get along I am so tired of people not getting a long if you can't get along with each other just stay away instead of fighting I am tired God my family don't understand and don't care and don't want them if I tell them my problem they make it all about them they all are tired it's like nobody understands me not even the people online. Please God I pray that I get Godly people in my life and God if I am wrong please guide me. I have nobody to relate to and I pray that God and Jesus takes away my problems and everyone problems in Jesus name Amen