No, this wasn’t my original post. I just notice that a lot of the prayers are cut/paste style and don’t seem genuine. Yours seemed genuine. My original post was about my teenage son who plays video games every chance he gets. I asked for prayers for him to be released from the bondage video games have over his life. When asked to get off at night, he turns mean and disrespectful. I also asked for prayers for him to be kind, obedient and respectful and for the Lord to replace video games with something productive such as his studies, a hobby, cooking, anything really. I asked for prayers that he be surrounded by friends that lead him to Jesus. I have been praying for years and no relief. It just keeps getting worse and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ve been asking for prayers on this site, but it all seems insincere. Some of these are just cut and paste of the same replies on everyone’s posts.