Humble Servant of All
please pray for peace today peace everyday no anger arguments pray for Bob is to talk to his wife more encourage her let her know that as the weather gets better they will be more focused on getting them into a Bible studying prayer when an exercise program and that he will be able to get out more and out in the weather and that the Lord will make away for repairs to be done in the house so she can get a good washing please pray for Lord to make a way for that and electrical work also makes pray that he will let her know that for things good that the business will thrive even better in Jesus name people Lord to send checks in the mail for the business and that the Lord will take care of those things that need to be done please pray the Lord will not lie anything to them broken and messed up at the shop when everything is under the blood of the Lamb who live anything was damaged in any way shape or form a check will be male to Bob age concerning that matter pray for the son Richard that he will be a stronger vessel for the shop that he will bring more people bus trips busloads of people that will come and shop and buy from Mickey mom shop in particular and others in Jesus day pray for Lord to help you get back into school this summer get a ladies appointments get her medical bills under the blood of the lamb pray that mr Abel send the funds to JH account this week and that the Lord will make a way for her account to be resurrected so as you can take care of things pray that she will get some help from Mrs Jack to get to the drugstore to the grocery store and Jesus name and that the Lord will take care of those things please pray for Lord that take care of everything CC shopping tomorrow and it's okay in Jesus name people let it take care for orders for the things that needed for the house in Jesus name be the picking mom one of the good report from the doctor and then go to her skin doctor pray the Lord make a dental appointment for Ricky mom and April Jesus name no later than May in Jesus name and show her today in the time in Jesus name we can evaluation for HIV in Jesus name people Lord have Mrs Pete in the name of Mrs peak to come over and that will all get together and go down to the house and VA pray for us more and she together can never apart in Jesus name perfect love for Jeep you resonate everywhere he goes at work at lunch when he meets with some friends for some soccer tournaments that the Lord will remind him that his love for tea is important in his life not his love and he shows through others saying he Christ in him will resonate pray for any she walls he wills location walls ambition most to be destroyed and Jesus name pray for Lord to help his dad have a better love for son and his mom pray for Lord anyone has introduced to him whose female the answer is a capital to know in Jesus name people victory in Jesus name perfect for Jesus appointments to go well I pray for Lord to help teeth focus on you Lord it's something about so many people who have what she thinks is better in Jesus name victory in a handful weddings at the Hampton home in Jesus name pray for the Lord and he will get this to be fall to hate this and that the Lord bring her and has her husband in Christ Jesus behind the scenes and at the Lord will bring him at the right time and Jesus name pray for job growth and promotion pray for Lord to allow Becky mom to get back on her feet and promotion will be well in Jesus Christ pray for Mrs and pay for mischief to everything is good and Jesus name pervert any help that she can receive from Pastor Dave in the new future for pay for practise help and healing pray for him to invite you and meet Ross more and Jesus name and your future in Jesus name pray for the Lord to help us to help teach the focus on him paper Bobby is to focus on Jesus pray for Lord to take care of that TV issue to be restored ceilings force electrical work pray for new washer and dryer installed in Jesus name over the blood of the Lamb and the baptism in the Holy Ghost and Jesus name before victories that were not seen yet put for the liars lies to be destroyed and revealed in Jesus name as we speak be for Peggy mom's temperament to be better pay for her eating to be better Pray for the Lord to make away food gee did not have to borrow for food anymore this year in 2020 a beautiful Lord did help her with a supplement program and then she can get off of it little by little and Jesus name people victory as we speak let the words of Jesus mouth and a meditation of Jesus heart to be acceptable my sight the Lord has trended our redeemer I said to watch the g's mouth to keep a door to Jesus with her sister soon Annette her son will come and visit his aunt and uncle and in your future holidays that it can be divided up in the proper way and at the Lord will bring them down for the holidays and then miss see can come down in the summer sometime and that they can get together and Jesus name pray for Lord to allow me to see to be with one of our children for the holidays and that the Lord will just resurrect that in Jesus name pray for Lord to allow us to all get togetherso asking focus more on you let Bobby see your strength and changing his financial situation and your wife and your time father and make away from Mr Ada send the funds to James this week in Jesus name to her other account until she gets a regular account at Jesus name and DE classes for her and for G then pray for a new vehicle to be a blessing something that they won't even have to worry about paying for that's Lord everybody has under the blood amen