Heavenly Father, my Lord, my God,
I echo the plea of the anonymous poster for his wife, as I have a similar plea. I feel the pain of this disease affecting my father and reflect on how it affects others. My father's kidneys have seemingly failed and it would seem there is nothing that man and medicine can do. I ask as a child, who while wayward and imperfect, contains Your light and seeks Your love and healing for those who are gravely ill at this time, whether by slow chronic disease or acute affliction, please show Your mercy and preserve those afflicted, for this life and the Life to come. Please dispense Your grace to heal and restore them. None of us can do anything but by Your grace. Hear the cries of our hearts Lord. And should You deny us our hearts plea, please console us with Your Spirit and help us to understand. Give us hope beyond measure and hearts that give gratitude, thanks and praise to You. Let us know You in fullness and love You as You love us, for we change not by law, or of our volition, but through turning to You for forgiveness and to accept Your power, love and Spirit to work in us. Please visit all those who are ill and let them know You and Your Love, bring them healing in this life and the Life to come. Let faith in You be revived across the earth. I can only empathize with others, but I know my own pain, sorrow and longing for my father to be saved physically and spiritually. Thank You for their life, thank You for their love, thank You for the precious times spent together. Please don't let them pass into the darkness, but restore them in all Your ways. I ask this in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.