Beloved of All
please pray for my grandma schneider VIlmsné.sevelerym alnurtioned underweight. please God hela her diarrea small bowle obstruction syndrome severe msucel atrophy weakness and narrow block and broken arteries vesseles. please hela her do all iny our power to heal Schneider Viomsné from dementia and enurdegenerative diaseas.epelase Lord Jeues Chris thelp em care for her. and my mom too and all my fmialy. pelas ehal my moms heart perodontissis disease heart and also her brain.please hela her bones and all flessh. also pelas epray for my enice still in womb but VER underweight.please pray my sister i n law gets the right nutrition and medical attention.Lor dpelas eprotect them wiht oyur hOly angels and fight for them.pelase casue the baby to be abel to recieve the nutritiont he baby needs and the water.please heal my sister in law from placenta problems Lord for oyu rglor iyn the name of the Lord Jeus Christ.Lord also hela my brithers histamien intoleracne.pelase surround them with with trillions of holy angels fightign for thema nd all my fmaiyl memebers.please please brign healign to all my family in culign Vilike.pleas eprotect himf rom all evil. protect all his flehs form evil. help us ge titn contact with him.pleas eprtect him form all evil in the name of the Lord Jeues Christ.pleas eLord also hela my dads gout and dleiver him from type 2 diabetes.pelase give him excellent circulation. dleiver himf orm flesh eatign bacteria. pleas otuch his body and heal him. do all in your power Lord to heal al my fmaily blood line and provide for our us to serve only YOu hear Your Holy spiit and obey youa t all tiems forgiv eoru sins . Pleas ebless all praiyng and help ign us. Please also svae al soouls. also if oyu want me wo marry please clearly show me and my future Husband in Chirst show each other oen anothe rlead each other woto one another. no confusion or coutnerfeights.please lead me to the man whom you made me form ( His RIb) and only HIm. please guide us to be togethe riwht oyur holy Spirit, whoever that is. Lor dis it you know who? Lord guid eime with YOur Hoyl spirit. dont wanna get distracted. pelas ehla my dads asthma and please protect all people form covid,war, violenceabuse and protect all peopel form every manne rof evil, accidents and death.protect this world and dleiver us form every root of evil. Dleive rus form idols Lord Jeus Chirst.cause us all to know oyu
leas eforgiv eour sins. i pleade the hOyl Blood of th Lord Jeus Chirst on my fmaily ehalth well beign finances and protection and also on all my brothers and isste rin Christ and all people. Lor dprepare us for oyur comign and helkp us to do OYur WIll. pelase hela my parents and grnamd neice and sister in law's placenta all for your glory. please guide my whoel famiyl with oyur Holy spirit.pelase. have mercy. thnak you for your Love and blessing Lord. thnak you for helaign Your salvation and being the best EVER! thnak you God