Beloved of All
Please pray for my grandma.. please pray the LORD brings fresh Oxygen breathes fresh oxygen into he rbrian cells. Please pray she is healed for Gods glory also of Osteoporosis. In Jesus Christ name. Please pray for a miraculous healing from the LORD for my mom. Please pray that the LORd heals her spine and my grandmas too. LORD God Heavenly Fathe rhelp my to be a good caregiver to my granmda. Please provide her the healing she need sin her brain and in her nerves and spine and take away anything that Is from Satan in our fmaily. LORd please fight for us and redeem us from every spirit of death and illness and unbelief in Your Sont he LORD Jesus Christ. Please Heal my brtoher adverse reactions to eating. Help him to eat again normally and gain weight and be healthy in his mind. PLease brign Your Salvation to all my fmaily members. LORD please brign healign and restorationt o my fmaily members. Please protect all christians from persucution adn forgiv eme for not praying for them more. LORD please let their be less pollution all over the world and giv eus peopel in authority who will do your Will and nto quench your Holy Spirit. LORD deliver me form alse thign sin my hearts. formt eh devils lies. LORd please heal and restor emy grandmas brain fro YOur Glory. Please also heal baby Amy. giv eher fresh oxygen to her brain. Restore her brain and body for YOUR glory and by YOur infinate power LORD Jesus Christ. Please delive rmy family from all evil. Bring us on a plain path to you LORD. PLease deliver my dad form homlessnes LORD Jesus and and may no one freeze int he cold winter. LORD bring help and healign to the homless . Please help the porr and needs. PLease coem to the rescue of the opresseda dn forgiv eour sins. Please giv eme a pure heart to see you LORD. Please help my to stop competetin with others especially christians. LEt me desire YOu alone LORD: Please LORD send healign to my dads emotioons and bones. PLease provide himw ith a place to stay tonight.Please comfort thos emournign a loss of a loved one and and even raise people formt he dead for YOUR glory LORD Jesus. Please .. may I never even contemplate the spirit of ange ror pride again. Remoe me and my fmaily from every evil tormentign spirit that is not from you in the name of YOur Son the LORD Jesus Christ. Thank YOu LORD: help us all on this site hear form you today. Thank YOu. IN Jesus Christ name I pray.