Dear sister in Christ, I'm so sorry for your heartbreak. I am going through a similar situation, my husband of almost 30 years is considering leaving me for another woman. I was devastated until I found great encouragement in a book I found on Amazon Kindle (for 99 cents!) and found out they have a website and even free courses to help encourage and guide people who want to restore their marriages Biblically. There are many testimonies, even from those who have been divorced, even remarried! I am on my restoration journey now and I go to the website daily.
Here is a prayer for you from the book, that I have prayed for you as well:
“Dear Lord, please guide this special sister during the trouble in her marriage. And her ears shall hear a word behind her saying, this is the way, walk here, when she turns to her right and when she turns to her left (see Isa. 30:21).
“Please reassure her when she sees a thousand fall on her right side and ten thousand at her left; help her to know that if she follows You, it will not happen to her (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her under your protective wings.
“Help her to find the narrow path that will lead her to life, the abundant life you have for her and for her family. Lord, I pray you to wipe all the tear of this sister and heal her heart with your everlasting love. I pray for a testimony that you can use for Your glory when this troubled or broken marriage is healed and restored! We will give You all the honor and the glory. Amen.”
The name of the book is 'How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage' The website is
Here is a link to the first chapter of the book:
Day 1 Chapter 1 "My Beloved" -
May we both end up with restored marriages and may we give God all the glory!