Prayer Warrior
Dear child - can we start by giving yourself a godly name - sensual means carnal, sexual related. I will call you redeemed. In Jesus name I come against all that is evil and negative and command it to cease. Father show her sins that have been perpetuated in her life, in previous generations and have been passed on. Show her things she needs to repent of. Please listen to youtubecindytrimmatomicpowerprayers and agree with her for your family and life so you may be set free. Have a discipline of reading your bible and listening to her prayer every day. Let's truly dedicate you life to Jesus Christ once and for all. Father in Jesus name I confess that I have sinned against You in so many ways. I have been my own God. Please forgive me for all of it. I believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross for my sins that I may be saved, I invite Jesus Christ in my heart to take control of my life, emotions, spirit and soul and stop me from doing or saying anything that is less than glorifying to Jesus Christ, amen.