Beloved of All
Please pray for me for wisdom and guidance, my mom passed away when I was 17 and I have one older brother and a dad. I constantly get feelings that I need to end the relationship with them eventually. My dad acts like he cares for me but I sense that he does that because he thinks of me as his retirement fund or something, he tells me not to get married, not to look for someone, from my interaction with him I constantly catch the feeling that he wants to take my money, he wants me to give him allowance? He never gave me allowance, my whole life up until now has been a struggle due to financial and legal reasons. He knows all that, I never had good companionship because I constantly had to deal with all these burdens and tragedies, even then how could he as a dad think of me as his retirement plan. My brother, always finds something to put me down, when I was on the verge of ending my life, he did nothing, we don’t talk much, we only meet once to twice a year and even then when we meet, constant struggle, very uncomfortable. I would discuss with him uncertainty for my job and instead of giving me advice or comfort, he would say things like maybe they don’t want you there. He twice asked for something related to my identity. Of course, there were times that were nice, I would constantly talk to my dad regarding any struggles at work or anything and my brother did get me things nice for my birthdays. But, this is just my overall feelings from them, and thoughts of not seeing them constantly haunt me whenever it reminds me of all the feelings that’s been hurt. Please give me wisdom. I don’t know if it’s the devil trying to isolate me or just real feelings. Thank you!